On Thursday, President Obama interrupted his vacation to address reporters regarding the situation in Northern Iraq and the situation in Ferguson, Missouri. As to the latter, Obama said, in essence, that the liberals had taken charge. Governor Jay Nixon (“a good man,” Obama assured us) was now fully engaged, and Eric Holder was also on the case.

In addition, the Missouri Highway Patrol had supplanted the yokels in the local police force. And they were under the command of Ron Johnson, who grew up in the neighborhood in question and, though Obama didn’t say it, is African-American.

Johnson promptly implemented what Holder described as “a model of community-based policing.” He ordered the police to ditch the armor, put away the tear gas, and park the SWAT trucks. He then joined the protesters. He even commended the Black Panthers and the Nation of Islam for their crowd control efforts.

The result? “Rioting resumed on Friday, with protesters looting stores and clashing with police wearing riot gear and deploying tear gas.” Good thing, the police didn’t ditch these oppressive law enforcement tools.
One correction on that article. That video that was released did only show this innocent 18 year old shop lifting, it showed him violently grabbing the elderly store owner by the throat and slamming him against the counter

I mentioned in one of my previous post that I wondered what the State Police were going to do if the animals started feeding again.

Now we know. Those looters are not about to let some ole "Uncle Tom" get between them and a new pair of Air Jordan's.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
How was the president incompetent in this event?

Was there an opportunity for HIM or the Feds to take charge and he botched it?

I think you're making shit up again, LIAR!
Well, The president just jumped out of thr frying pan and into the fire.

He has dispatched Eric Holder and the a Justice Dept to Ferguson in order to have another autopsy, and to get to the real truth.

They best be careful what they wish for. They might not like the truth when it is revealed to them.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
How was the president incompetent in this event?

Was there an opportunity for HIM or the Feds to take charge and he botched it?

I think you're making shit up again, LIAR! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
ANNOUNCEMENT 1: Assup, the dumb-fuck golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM, was elected: (please reference the avatar & see @: http://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=946023, .http://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=897663 & http://eccie.net/showpost.php?p=1052174471&postcount=1)*

*compliments of IB Hankering Inc - Internet Insults Dept.
LexusLover's Avatar
I am proud that our President has handled successfully all of the World's conflicts and difficulties to peaceful resolutions, so that he has time to deal with a police shooting in a village in Missouri. His last adventure into local police matters ended up with a beer summit at the White House ... (I am being kind not to mention the Martin fuck up.).

I think local police matters seems to be more his speed.
Well, The president just jumped out of thr frying pan and into the fire.

He has dispatched Eric Holder and the a Justice Dept to Ferguson in order to have another autopsy, and to get to the real truth.

They best be careful what they wish for. They might not like the truth when it is revealed to them. Originally Posted by Jackie S
And 40 FBI agents...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
JLHomo is channelling the utterly whipped IBIdiot.

How apropos.
Ozombies want class warfare... Well they got it... http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2014...nesses-photos/
Ozombies want class warfare... Well they got it... http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2014...nesses-photos/ Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Can't understand how this behavior of looting and mayhem will make this situation better. It won't bring back Michael Brown or officer Wilson's action less justified. The only thing it really confirms to me is just how divided this country has become racially, socially, and politically. WE really haven't evolved much. These acts of looting are not acts of compassion or caring they are acts of mere selfishness. Incidents such as this have happened before, it's happening now and it will happen again. Those living in the midst of it don't seem to ever learn anything from it.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Well, The president just jumped out of thr frying pan and into the fire.

He has dispatched Eric Holder and the a Justice Dept to Ferguson in order to have another autopsy, and to get to the real truth.

They best be careful what they wish for. They might not like the truth when it is revealed to them. Originally Posted by Jackie S
So what happens if they come up with a different result from the autopsy? We already have two (or is it three?) that say one thing or will this be like the birth certificate? Choose one (while pushing forward the one they want you to choose)
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I still don't understand how this is Obama's fault. And none of you happy assholes have explained it.

I guess THAT'S Obama's fault, too.

Stupid traitors...
I still don't understand how this is Obama's fault. And none of you happy assholes have explained it.

I guess THAT'S Obama's fault, too.

Stupid traitors... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
It's not.

I still don't understand how this is Obama's fault. And none of you happy assholes have explained it. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
It's not. Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Jimbo, TrendingIdiot says it is in the OP.