We are a foooking family!

Don't you'll understand that. We are a foooking family, hence Shine never comes at you'll sideways. I love all if you'll and will fight to make sure everyone here is safe and we continue our hobby in peace. Simple, so if you sling insults at Shine Da Great I will simply humbly bow and say I love you, we good. I'm not here to insult people. I'm here to have fun and buy some pus I can't get without money most times. Am I black, fuck yes who claims black and isn't one. It's a foooked up road. So please, I joke because life is foooking hard, but I pay the agreed upon rate, I won't over foook you, great conversation and a gentleman. Always. So take you'll shine jokes elsewhere. If we don't come together as a fooling family we all lose. Capish clowns. Toodlez... Oh Treyway!!
  • pxmcc
  • 09-03-2018, 11:49 PM
shine you obviously didn't grow up in my family. sideways was the only way we came at each other..lol.