Coed Shine Da Great rules!

No more wolf whistle connection please. I have zero beef against wolf whistle as I have never been bcd with him, but never put me in the same boat as a rapist , supposedly, or anyone who abuses women. This is mainly for you Back 2. Like really stop. You want to know who I really am dm me bitch and we can meet up. Anytime. I have a daughter. That shit ain't swagger with me. I ain't gay, so any more gay jokes will not be tolerated. Pxo is my homie, so please leave him out of you'll hate for me. Now, I don't have as much money as some of you folks so that's open season. My cash flow. I pay for every session no issues, but yeah I like free pus, who doesn't. Yes if my homie wants, to buy me pus because I'm cool beans, I'm taking it. Yes, I talk more women out of pus because I'm foooking awesome than I pay for, yes that's open season. I'm cool to be around so some providers just shoot me some pussy. Please don't do what I above explicitly asked you clowns not to do. It's no longer funny, or ever was, and will not be tolerated. I don't give a foook about being banned or whatever, certain shidd ain't swagger with me so I'm kindly asking you guys to cut it out.Please. Shout out to my trill squad, pxo, solo, Darth Vader, seeko po, crystal Bruno(champagne brown) sexy slim, kammy and all da 100 white ladays who dm Shine Da Great but want to remain anonymous to protect your cash flow from people you probably shouldn't see anyway. Lub youll. Toodlez...