Time off

ncc72032's Avatar
For those who saw my unapproved review of London Bridge Sunday, I reported illness and chest pains. Well today my doctor has reported I suffered a moderate heart attack Sunday. I have been posting from bed all day. Doctors say I am off from more strained activities and playtime for 4-6 weeks.

For those here who likely were praying for my demise, sorry to disappoint you, and but cardiologists say I should make full recovery I am time.
My condolences hope u have a full recovery. Take care and enjoy ur respite from eccie. Pleez.
Jessika Sweetz's Avatar
Hey baby why was the review not approved??? More importantly are you going to be alright? You better rest and take it easy baby I would love to see you again! And like we were discussing when we had our date, ignore the haters because they just dont want to see you succeed! Take it easy baby and you know you can talk to me anytime! Get well soon darling! *MUAH*
Hogfan69's Avatar
What unapproved review? It shows in your list of them. It almost always takes a day or two for it to happen.
Jessika Sweetz's Avatar
Okay thanka babe
Another heart attack?
Didn't you have one last year and the year before, I hope you are okay and not back in the hospital on the computer. Anyways, glad you could meet with someone after I did give you a reference check, don't know her but seems you two did meet. Well hope your heart is okay soon Staff edit real-life info .

Miss Dreams

For those who saw my unapproved review of London Bridge Sunday, I reported illness and chest pains. Well today my doctor has reported I suffered a moderate heart attack Sunday. I have been posting from bed all day. Doctors say I am off from more strained activities and playtime for 4-6 weeks.

For those here who likely were praying for my demise, sorry to disappoint you, and but cardiologists say I should make full recovery I am time. Originally Posted by ncc72032
coven's Avatar
  • coven
  • 07-15-2013, 10:19 PM
Hey baby why was the review not approved??? More importantly are you going to be alright? Originally Posted by London Bridge

There's nothing like expressing your deep concern for a hobbyist who had a heart attack AFTER asking why your review wasn't approved.

Jessika Sweetz's Avatar
Why such hostility baby? Theres no need to even comment if you are going to be hateful. This thread is about him and what pertained to our date.. it was a simple question and i did add in MORE IMPORTANTLY. Buy that is neither here nor there...if you have nothing nice to.say please dont speak at all!! The bitterness you are holding onto just because i asked for reference is quite silly baby. Please honey get off of it, it was almost a wedek ago.
coven's Avatar
  • coven
  • 07-15-2013, 10:45 PM
Why such hostility baby? Theres no need to even comment if you are going to be hateful. This thread is about him and what pertained to our date.. it was a simple question and i did add in MORE IMPORTANTLY. Buy that is neither here nor there...if you have nothing nice to.say please dont speak at all!! The bitterness you are holding onto just because i asked for reference is quite silly baby. Please honey get off of it, it was almost a wedek ago. Originally Posted by London Bridge
Sugar Pie, first, I'm not hostile, I'm just amused now by your posts. Secondly, you asked for my P411 information in eccie chat. I know you're new, but that's a serious violation of Gina's rules, thought you should know that. Finally, this is a SHMB*, I can speak my mind on any open threAD on the board as long as I'm respectful. If you'd like more respect from the guys on the board, don't patronize us by calling us 'honey', 'baby', 'darling' or any other 'term of endearment'. This is a hooker board, not eHarmony.

Now, back to our regularly scheduled program.

*Info for newbies SHMB=Silly Hooker Message Board
Jessika Sweetz's Avatar
I am not your sugar pie so please refeain from calling me anything close to endearment if it is from your mouth, ok i am new so why did you have to be a jerk about it since I did not know the rules? And if you dont like ME or my POSTS, no one is forcing you to read them! Simply put me on your ignore list and find another person to be hateful to. You are not a very nice person from what i see and you are making a jerk of yourself with no help from me I assure you. I hope girls read the snide remarks and the hostility that YOU ARE putting out so they can avoid you and the negative energy you are putting out. I am a human bieng, please remember that when you are wanting to be snooty and rude. The actions you are displaying is quite sad, seeing as I havent honestly done anything to you. So please BABY, once again, if you have nothing nice to say, dont say it at all...Now you can go back to the original programming because this drama is bieng cut short due to me dropping out. Have a good night and happy hobbying!
coven's Avatar
  • coven
  • 07-15-2013, 11:03 PM
Swing batter batter batter . . .
London Bridge do not act like this with me when I have tried to help out someone who is helpless.

Thanks and do not contact me anymore after tonight, your attitude isn't at all attractive and I was not talking to you so why comment on a co ed thread? lol London you acted so nice on the phone and refused to call any other references because they don't like you, what makes you trust me, I hate fakeness. Well it seems you do not like me when I was checking on a client after his third heart attack, that is serious so why jump into my conversation with a mutual client, I told you to have fun on your date and everything you needed to know to be prepared. Why was I talking to you? I wasn't, now I am but then I was talking to Staff edit real-life info.

See you soon Arkansas and let's get real and have some fun instead of reading stories about this girl trying to say a reference friendly provider is upset about a date when I do not live in Arkansas!!

I am not here to be your friend I am here to keep you safe but I refuse to from this point on so thank yourself because you screwed that up just like you did by telling clients your business. People talk and I am real, if you don't like it, get off my area of the Playground when I was not speaking to you!

Miss Dreams

Why such hostility baby? Theres no need to even comment if you are going to be hateful. This thread is about him and what pertained to our date.. it was a simple question and i did add in MORE IMPORTANTLY. Buy that is neither here nor there...if you have nothing nice to.say please dont speak at all!! The bitterness you are holding onto just because i asked for reference is quite silly baby. Please honey get off of it, it was almost a wedek ago. Originally Posted by London Bridge
I'm just an objective observer, but I have to agree that the 'more importantly' addendum to the inquiry about the review could be likened to using the word 'but' in a sentence. Anything before 'but' should be considered false.
And its refreshing to see that men don't care for the same words we ladies so often hear, "honey", "baby" or "babe", etc.
@ ncc72032, I do hope you regain your strength. However, if you gotta go, is there any better way than with an evil little grin that will take the coroner a week to remove?
Jessika Sweetz's Avatar
what are you talking about miss dreams? I was talking to coven sweetie,i have no issue with you hun. I dont know you so i have no reason to be rude with you. If you thought i was speaking to you i apologize hun. I was talking to coven, you were sweet and repectful n the phone babe, theres no reason to be rude to you. I apologize for the mixup or misunderstanding sweetie
Jessika Sweetz's Avatar
I do care about what happened to him, he is a person and he is important, why be so hard on me just because of what i asked? I am done talking for the night, this is way too much and got out of hand. You all have a good night