Trump/Biden tied In Minnesota!!!!!!

bambino's Avatar
Yes, the land of George Floyd! Is Illinois next?

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Based on 2016 polling showing him nearly 80 points behind his opponent in MN, does that mean Trump 2020 will have a blowout win there?

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
The Dims have lost zillions of votes due to the anti-cop, anti-establishment thing. More than MN
rexdutchman's Avatar
Hillary ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,the poles say
HedonistForever's Avatar
As I said weeks ago, if there is one thing that can insure a Trump re-election, it is exactly what we are seeing, well, if you are watching Fox News, not so much if you are watching CNN and MSNBC because they won't show you, the violence going on in major US cities. When mom's start being afraid for their families, you can forget about any other issues. Of course there will be some who will pin this violence on Trump which is ridiculous, no Trump policy killed George Floyd, that happened under Democrats watch.

I'm sure there are some who will tell themselves, all this will dissipate when Biden becomes President. Why would it? The anarchists don't want anybody of either party currently elected to serve. That is why they say the entire system must be burnt to the ground and rebuilt by people who hold no party affiliation, well, not counting BLM and Antifa of course who will be the "re-builders" with no police, no prisons, no border control ( ICE ).

We know this by the reaction the Portland Mayor, a Democrat and vocal supporter of the "protesters", got when he went down among them to commiserate with them and was meet with cursing him, calling him a Nazi, spitting on him and calling for him to re-sign. Why would you want somebody that supports your cause to re-sign? Because they don't want anybody, Republican or Democrat to survive their pogrom.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I mentioned this in another post where I also cited Biden leading Trump by 2% in Texas. DO NOT PUT ANY FAITH IN A SINGLE POLL!!!

Other Minnesota polls taken in the last month have Biden +2, +18. +10,+3, +7 and +5. The average of all polls in Minnesota is Biden +5.3%.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Based on 2016 polling showing him nearly 80 points behind his opponent in MN, does that mean Trump 2020 will have a blowout win there?

Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
The polls did not predict Hillary Clinton winning the electoral college by 80 points. The polls, as indicated by RCP right before the election, were wrong in exactly ONE state -- Wisconsin.

The political pundits were the ones in error in taking the poll results and coming to incorrect conclusions as even you can see when you compare your electoral map to that of RCP.

You should really take some time and try to understand what the map you cited actually states. It does not state that Clinton would somehow win Minnesota by 80 points, whatever that statement even means. It does say that the odds were 8 in 10 that Clinton would win the popular vote in Minnesota.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
.... The average of all polls in Minnesota is Biden +5.3%. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
And with any polls margin of error percentage frequently being in the 3 to 6% percent range, that actually means each position (or canidate) may both be off 3 to 6 %. Thus, the actual spread could be 6 to 12%. So that's why polls are worthless unless hundreds of thousands of folks are polled to bring down the error margin to close to 2%. And I'm not even adding the concept if biased poll questions
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
And with any polls margin of error percentage frequently being in the 3 to 6% percent range, that actually means each position (or canidate) may both be off 3 to 6 %. Thus, the actual spread could be 6 to 12%. So that's why polls are worthless unless hundreds of thousands of folks are polled to bring down the error margin to close to 2%. And I'm not even adding the concept if biased poll questions Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
I checked the margin of error in the Minnesota polls and they ranged from 2.8% to a high of 4.0%. That is fairly average for most surveys. As you can tell, if a poll is favorable to one's candidate, it will be cited by that person. When the poll is unfavorable, it is ignored.

Polls have been accurate to very accurate in the past and it is the only objective criterion we have to look at. As I've said many, many, many times in the past -- Donald Trump is a huge follower of the polls. As soon as the Rasmussen poll was released showing his approval rating +4, he commented on it. The 2018 midterms and current polling show a severe weakening among suburban women and his campaign strategy has focused hard on that demographic. The polls showed Trump with a 33% approval rating on his handling of the coronavirus pandemic and he shifted gears and now supports the wearing of masks and social distancing.
matchingmole's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 08-21-2020, 02:59 PM
All we need is a few moe weeks of riots. looting, robbery, and arson in Minneapolis - condoned, fomented, and enabled by their marxist city council -

and a Conservative tide will wash out all the marxist revolutionaries from their government sinecure jobs.
  • Tiny
  • 08-21-2020, 03:01 PM
I think Trump's toast. But it's interesting to see the trend in Minnesota. If you believe the polls it looks like Trump is gaining a lot of ground. This is from Real Clear Politics,

Gravis 6/19/2019 Biden +16%
Fox News 7/20/2020 Biden +13%
Trafalgar Group 7/25/2020 Biden +5%
Emerson 8/10/2020 Biden +3%
Traflagar Group 8/18/2020 Biden +0.4%

For grins I looked at Texas too,

Quinnipiac 7/20/2020 Biden +1%
Trafalgar Group 8/5/2020 Trump +6%
Rice University / You Gov. 8/13/2020 Trump + 7%

After making a quick check, I don't think you'll see this trend bear out for most other states.
All we need is a few more weeks/months of the trump meltdown. He is getting more fun to watch/read everyday. He will be even more stupid/ignorant
bambino's Avatar
All we need is a few more weeks/months of the trump meltdown. He is getting more fun to watch/read everyday. He will be even more stupid/ignorant Originally Posted by Tsmokies
He couldn’t surpass your ignorance.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Take whatever poll, add about 10 points to the Trump side and it’ll be pretty close to correct.