Greetings all!
My musings on the escort industry:
(1) It has reinforced the importance of having a good woman in my life. An escort is a poor substitute for the real thing. I think this is a paradoxical result given how society and the Religious Right demonize the industry.
(2) If you have to ask the question, “Is she worth it?”, then the answer is NO. The correct question to ask is, “Do I want to spend time with her?”
(3) Having a good experience starts with the Client. Treating the lady like a “piece of ass” will result in the lady treating the client as an ATM machine. Treat the lady like a person and it will take you far.
(4) A good experience means that at some level an emotional connection is reached. Otherwise, the experience is dehumanizing.
(5) An emotional connection does not mean that a personal relationship is sought or formed. Personal relationships are of the “real world” and the escort-client professional relationship is the stuff of dreams and fantasies. People need their dreams and fantasies. An emotional connection just means that the people involved acknowledge each other’s humanity - we are not machines.
(6) I’ve tried to assess whether my activities have been damaging to either the girls or to society in general. I don’t see it. I don’t understand why prostitution is illegal.
Just my thoughts.