Provider busted, what's the risk to past clients?

Cpalmson's Avatar
I'm looking for some opinions here regarding the following situation. A provider I know was busted and plead out (fine/probation). I trust that she didn't talk, but am still concerned about any risks because I have been in contact with her. Thanks.
Waldo P. Emerson-Jones's Avatar
Based on reading, and common sense, and a legal education, but no criminal law experience, I'd say your risk is minimal. First, unless there was something else going on with you (for example, something we don't usually talk about on this site), it's a misdemeanor. Most PDs and DAs are not going to expend considerable resources to try to investigate and pursue this type of case. Second, I guess it depends on what communications you had, but if you were halfway smart you didn't explicitly connect money for sex in written form or with your real phone. So, how are they gonna prove you're guilty of anything? He said-she said is not going to be strong enough to make it worthwhile for them to try to arrest and convict. I think your biggest danger would be a call trying to get you to incriminate yourself. If that happens, tell 'em you'd be happy to cooperate after you've had the assistance of counsel and then shut the fuck up and get a lawyer. My opinion is worth every penny you paid for it.
I would imagine that there would be none. In the first place, it is a "he said, she said" type thing. I have rarely seen them go after "johns". When they busted all the spas back in 2004 there was mention in the news of numerous credit card receipts that were confiscated and appointment books, but I don't think they ever went after the "johns". In fact I remember on the old "P" board some of the guys who were there in some of the spas were only asked for their drivers license and then they were free to go.

Of course, one never knows.. but I would love to hear from others on this question.
This has been asked before. You call a service provider, whether you meet her or not your number may remain on her phone. She gets busted a few days or weeks later. The Police confiscate her phone and make calls on her cell and you get one of those calls. I think what I would do is say I may have dialed a wrong number. If they play a game with you just stay on your toes or cut the conversation very short. Generally the police don't have much to go on to arrest a john after the fact, especially if the transaction leaves no paper trail. But if you stumble around stay on the phone they may be able to get you to reveal info that may get you in more trouble. I wouldn't even say "yeah I called her but we never met" I would use any story that would not reveal you know she's a escort.
depends on the length of the call.. if they see 1 call for 1 minute or less then its "wrong number" but if they see your # with a call length of 2-4 minutes, then 30-45 minutes later another 1-2 minute call, etc.. (the old 2 call routine, 1 to set up, 1 for final location)

they might not buy the "wrong #"
to be honest, i dont think u have anything to worry about. even if they HAD TEXTS AND CALLS LE shouldnt be able to do ANYTHING. unless they CATCH U IN THE ACT they cant prove anything or point any fingers.. and unless this girl gave up names, then u definitely should stop worrying and just move past it.. if u havent gotten a call from the police demanding about the calls u made to her or show up at your doorstop you will be just fine babe
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Tell em to fu.. er, buzz off, there is nothing illegal about making a phone call. There are numerous legitimate reasons why your number might be on anothers phone call log.
My dad used to do this to telemarketers...
Ask what is your name..."whats your name"
30 seconds later same question...
and so on,
One time I was over there and he mimicked somebody that had Alzheimers
About the 3rd time of "whats your name" they hung up
Gypsy's Avatar
  • Gypsy
  • 07-25-2011, 04:57 PM
This happened to me a number of years ago. My ATF provider at the time was busted. It was a big case, front page news. I was scared to death for months that I would be contacted, planned out many stories. However, it never happened and boy was I relieved.
I got busted a few years ago before I knew much about screening. The cop took my phone laptop and a few hundred dollars. None of my clients were ever contacted or arrested.Later on it was known that this cop was corrupt and he arrested around 22 escorts stole their money,laptop and phones but never turn these things in as evidence. eventually he was under investigation by Internal affairs and was about to get fired but he quit the police department instead.
I never got charged with anything because of lack of evidence.