Has this ever happened to anyone?

I was recently called for Jury duty but I was not picked on that day. As we were waiting in the jury room, couple of guys were discussing their previous jury duties. One of them mentioned about prostitution escort case. The lady was accused of advertising on internet sites etc. He did not remember too many details.

My question is as follows. If you are in the panel of potential jurors and when the judge ask whether you know the defendent, how would you answer. You may have seen her pictures or come across her ad. You may recognize her or even spent BCD time. How do you approch the judge and explain that you had knowledge of her activies? . Else, do not mention anything and hope that you would not be picked. If you are selected what do you do then. What if rhe lady recognize you while you are a juror. I am basically confused how to handle this situation.

Any insight? Thanks
shooter6.5's Avatar
Tell the truth, otherwise in most jurisdictions it will be atleast a misdemeanor and in some cases a felony violation.

You can discuss this all day but that is the answer.
oglfp12's Avatar
I agree with shooter. Simply say that you have seen her ad. I'm sure that will be the end of it. You will not be selected for the jury, you can collect your $6 and be on your way.
Just say you have met her, don't remember where, or some other excuse. Or better yet, say you have met the prosecutor. He may say he doesn't remember you, but that ought to be enough to get you cut loose.

(I had jury duty a few years ago, was a stripper involved in a child custody proceeding. Luckily, I did not recognize her from anywhere and I don't hit the strip clubs, and they actually had enough jurors befor they got to me, but it did have me thinking of what could have happened.)
Tell the truth or don't let it get to that point. Let it be known that you are always pro-cop, or you believe police are crooks. One way or the other you will be dismissed.
you can't be apart of the jury, conflict of interest and you are accesory to the facts.
You would have to tell them you know her on a personal bases and that would cause you to be partial. Don't explain how you know her and leave it at that...
If all you did was see her post a ad somewhere that doesn't count and you can do jury duty.
Why the hell would a jury be on trial for a misdemenor charge unless it was something like a agency thats been popped MANY TIMES and its now a felony. odd....
I have read that an agency get get a felony charge for solicitation in some states and the actual act of getting caught is a misdemenor. Just like a pimp gets solicitation felony.
Thats why women should NEVER have drivers, he will get dragged out of the car and arrested. STUPID....
  • Laz
  • 10-16-2011, 07:32 AM
As long as I did not personally know her I would say nothing. If I got on the jury and the only charge against her was prostitution she would walk.I am a big believer in jury nullification of stupid laws.
ck1942's Avatar
Unlikely as it may be that a potential juror would be acquainted with the defendant, an easy answer to the usual question "Is there any reason you could not serve on this panel?" might be (and truthful at that) "I don't believe prostitution should be criminalized."
Unlikely as it may be that a potential juror would be acquainted with the defendant, an easy answer to the usual question "Is there any reason you could not serve on this panel?" might be (and truthful at that) "I don't believe prostitution should be criminalized." Originally Posted by ck1942
I think that's a great answer.
Bingo ck1942...I have always believed, don't tell anymore truth than has to be
told....'cause you just never know how words can come back to haunt you.

ck1942 responds serves the purpose. Admitting you saw her ad or anything else along
those lines...although may not result in legal problems...could come back and bite ya in your personal life...especially if your married.

The chances of any type of misdemeaner or other charge is pretty much nonexistent in a smaller case such as a prostitution bust, in
terms of you being a potential juror