Adding Numeric Choices to Guarantee Our Accuracy

This was a message that I composed to a moderator, late last night. He has been of very great aid aid to me, as I am new here. A man of paramount patience while walking me through the steps and learning how to correctly navigate certain things! This morning, he placed a nice note and a "link" to where our correspondence might better be served. Therefore, below is most of my note to him.

I just wanted to say thank you for helping me set up residence here on your site. I know that my questions are remedial, at best- therefore I appreciate your patience with me. This you have demonstrated with very great kindness. I sincerely appreciate your help!

Yesterday, I noticed a place for members to put their suggestions in. However, I am unable to locate this place at this moment- nothing urgent! But since I feel as though I know you in a funny way, I thought it may be of interest (on a very tiny and rater superficial level) to put my two cents in- if I may, please.

In filling out my profile, I noticed that in the menu for a female's "waist stats" the smallest number began at 20 inches. This excludes an accurate option in description for your rather petite members, and for the men who desire the most exact description possible!

I wish to make the VERY humblest of suggestion...

Perhaps one day, in the lady's "waist" circumference menu, it could begin at "eighteen" or so. I am only just a nineteen inch... but I would bet that there would be other girls whom would be smaller yet! Especially so if there are such ladies present whom participate in S& M behavior, or engage in "corset" training. Ouch!

Last week I met a fellow for the very first time. He was a pleasant experience. However, much to my very deep surprise (and amusement) he brought along a proper tailor's- soft folding measuring tape, to actually measure my waist! Odd, I know! But he was quite enthusiastic with this idea of having the company of a woman with a smaller waist. Why...? Who knows... but I suppose that this is (yet again) confirmation that there are all types of fixations. I was happy to have passed his test and not to disappoint, thus pleasing an ultimately nice person!

Just a thought... No big deal! I appreciate your listening. Perhaps a future alteration shall help others alike. I do hope to always remain helpful.

Thank you again so very much for allowing me to participate! It has been both very informative and fun to be apart of your group!

TBONE's Avatar
  • 03-03-2011, 10:33 AM

Thank you for the kind words regarding our staff and welcome to Eccie!

As far as waist size starting a 18 we will see if we can accommodate.

Your waist at 19" is just one inch larger than my arms!(you are tiny!).

Being rather fair boned is dually a gift and a curse... But more so the second. In rare cases perhaps it may be visually fetching to some. However, it remains impossible to acquire just about any type of clothing without alterations. (dresses, trousers, garter belts, and yes... even bikini bottoms need the touch of a skilled seamstress.) I must be the only girl on the planet who loathes shopping...! But you possess eighteen inch guns? Now this a grand gift to have always! Not only would you be able to protect if need be- it would insure your recipients a firm hug when necessary, plus the added advantage of ALWAYS being able to get the lid off the pesky jar! Lucky duck!
That is so sweet - how about increasing that range a good bit to the larger end too - for the big girls out there like me.
London Rayne's Avatar about just writing it in?

I am sorry but if a guy showed up to my place with a tape measure, I would wrap it around his damn neck. That is beyond ludicrous!
  • Paven
  • 03-08-2011, 03:16 PM
There is a gent in Austin who does that. It's in most of his reviews.
Wraps the tape measure around his neck? I'm not surprised.