NC/NS Forum

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Some recent events in San Antonio, have led some of the membership to suggest a NC/NS forum. The following is a link to the thread were it is being discussed in San Antonio, but I am also quoting the posts suggesting this forum and/or the need for something of this nature.

From Altbier:
Quoting flinde from another thread that I didn't want to add to: Quote:
Suggestion to owner/mods. How about a city specific NC/NS official thread?

This problem comes up, over and over again. Frankly, I'm getting as sick of writing my "this is not an (alert, review) its just a young gal missing an appointment - its part of the hobby - live with it - its part of the charm of young gals" bs as people probably are of reading it.

If it were all in one place, I could cruise past with my scroll mouse, and stood up guys would have a place to "vent". And people who care would have a place to check NC/NS history.
I like this idea. I'm not as tolerant as flinde of the inconsideration behind NCNS. I understand that things come up that can cause a cancellation, but in my book, NCNS is rude and inexcusable. A simple, timely phone call or text is all it takes to cancel. If I have an easy way to check on a provider's NCNS history, I'll use it to help decide if I really want to try to see her.

A single NCNS "alert" on a provider probably wouldn't sway me one way or the other unless I was already uncertain about her. But multiple reports by different hobbyists would certainly make me look elsewhere for my fun. No alerts probably wouldn't be particularly useful either.

If such a list or thread or whatever were started, should providers have the opportunity to comment? If so, would it be any different from simply posting in the coed section? It would at least make searches for such info easier.
From Ms. Amaya:

sounds like a good idea to me.
i think it should include the name & date of wo did the nc/ns.

since this is in coed...i think the list should include gents & ladies alike.

i wonder if there should be abother part to include if the "wrong" party made right on it.
And from yours truly:

I like the idea. There is really no appropriate forum for NC/NS by providers or hobbyists.

It does not go in the review forum because no session took place and providers can't post there to rebut the post. It does not go in alerts because, there is really no danger involved with it, just bad TCB skills or whatever.

And they dont really belong in the Co-ed because any post here immediately becomes a "suck it up dude" or "what did you do wrong" or as Bibi pointed out in another thread "hang [the] provider by her pussy" topic instead of a sharing of info on a NC/NS which might help another hobbyist in the future or in some situations may get a misunderstanding resolved. Plus with the constant posts in Co-ed they get lost easily.

I thought about suggesting starting it in the Men only area but that would not be fair since providers could not rebut any posts that may be false, etc.

I think a NC/NS forum would be a great addition. It would provide a forum to post about a NC/NS and allow a provider to rebut the post if it is not completely accurate. It will make it easier to search and use the info. Also, it would allow the guys that don't care about NC/NS to just ignore the forum.
I never have dealings with the Emporer. Not to be trusted....