Maintaining good order on the boards

I'm mainly asking about the locale that I inhabit, the Dallas area. In the Encounter Reports section, there are so many non-reviews, ISOs, and general questions, it's annoying.

And as for reviews... there is one recent review there that has different recommendations if one reads the encounter report with or without Premium Access. The poster's rationale?

Both of these are things I don't think should stand in the Encounter Reviews, not to mention the lack of balls on a reviewer to not want to admit to having a sub-par encounter, but that's for another thread.
FireKitten's Avatar
Agreeably a bit more messy since the newer rules. Always can hit that report post button to help out the mods and keep it cleaner---
ben dover's Avatar
There's no point in writing a review if you are afraid to be honest about the session.
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
I actually just messaged biomed; I've been gone from ECCIE for years, but stopped into the Diamonds and Tuxedos board - it used to be a place to chat about the finer things in life, and now it seems to have degenerated into a non-specific advertising board.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Eccie the itself has degenerated into a site only for the guys, but only certain guys. Now, other guys are more than welcome to have an account, but are discouraged to post anything if their opinion is different than the good old boys, hence the reason why there are so many lurkers on this site. The providers who have not disabled their account rarely if ever post. Drama is encouraged because it allows for more clicks in those threads.
Eccie the itself has degenerated into a site only for the guys, but only certain guys. Now, other guys are more than welcome to have an account, but are discouraged to post anything if their opinion is different than the good old boys, hence the reason why there are so many lurkers on this site. The providers who have not disabled their account rarely if ever post. Drama is encouraged because it allows for more clicks in those threads. Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
Yes, I agree. Also there are two male stalkers in the Dallas AMP review forum.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Yes, I agree. Also there are two male stalkers in the Dallas AMP review forum. Originally Posted by Peter Botox
Just two? I guess you don't get out of the AMP forum. I have multiple guys who stalk my posts, usually always posting right after me and may or may not quote me, but do take shots all the time, and have done so for years even though it's supposed to be against the guidelines of this site.

One thing is for certain though, I do not have to flash my credentials that I am a staff member of a whore board to gain some kind of validity to ladies nor do I have to threaten providers to make them comply.

But, if you want to be a member here and just about any other online board, you have to put up with trolls and on Eccie, you have to put up with a lot more.
Just two? I guess you don't get out of the AMP forum. I have multiple guys who stalk my posts, usually always posting right after me and may or may not quote me, but do take shots all the time, and have done so for years even though it's supposed to be against the guidelines of this site.

One thing is for certain though, I do not have to flash my credentials that I am a staff member of a whore board to gain some kind of validity to ladies nor do I have to threaten providers to make them comply.

But, if you want to be a member here and just about any other online board, you have to put up with trolls and on Eccie, you have to put up with a lot more. Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
Yes, I know what you mean