holy f*#K, hell froze over, agree with Marge

bambino's Avatar
Well, the DOJ and FBI declined to prosecute, let it out. It’s a nothing burger. But Rat, if I were you, I wouldn’t bring a fur coat to hell. You won’t need it.

Just release the ethics report then. You know, since there's nothing to hide. It's not like maga will care what's in it anyway. Their morals (or lack thereof) are completely transitory and often up for sale to the highest bidder.
How many of you agree with Marge? I'm not sure if Bam does or doesn't.
onawbtngr546's Avatar
Yea, I agree that if there are any investigations into any of our elected officials, for any reason, then the public, of whom is the one who elected the official to serve them, should be aware of. Regardless of what side.

If you have nothing to hide, then why are you afraid to show?