The Deep Dark Secrets of FKA Names....

The FKA name. Many providers have them, in fact most providers do. Why, might you ask?... Well, it depends on the lady, if she has kids, if she has ex bff's that turned on her, maybe a crazy ex or a brain dead friend that your ex decided to run his mouth to. Maybe a possessive baby daddy, an infatuated ex husband, a provider friend turned frienemy, or an ex attacker. Maybe it's something so personal it hurts to explain it to people and a name change was the best route. Or perhaps it was that a lady had stayed 10 steps ahead of the system when she caught wind of a possible rollover hobbyist. Hell! Maybe a lady just wanted to change her name for shits and giggles.

Whatever the case may be, I think most ladies have a valid reason. But, I want to be the lady who is here to tell y'all, STOP throwing it in a providers face when you think you need to win an argument on this fuckin board. You have no clue what a provider has lost already or stands to lose over publicly throwing her FKA names in her face. And maybe you don't know what pain and loss is but I guarantee you most of us ladies do.

So let's learn to be respectful of the secrets that a lady carries with her FKA names. Its part of being discrete. And its part of being a caring person.

Truly, Gemma
Psssst my handle is FKA
What brought this on?
People bringing up fka names
omgnametaken's Avatar
I call you whatever you want as long as you call me Daddy...
bartipero's Avatar
I'm okay with it when you change to Gemma35. Apple does it all of the time and it seems to work for them.

Seriously, though, I think the real issue is simply knowing who you are likely encountering. Like the issue if screening.
I'm okay with it when you change to Gemma35. Apple does it all of the time and it seems to work for them. Originally Posted by bartipero
LOL! Right....
I have talked with Gemma for at least the last year and can tell you she is one of the most honest, reliable, discreet provider ive ever talked to.
She has shared things in confidence with me but even though we have never met yet, due to schedule conflicts, she has her reasons for changing her handle & has the right to privacy.

Their are 100s of reasons for someone to change their handles, they should have the respect of their privacy.

Whether they are stalked, have ex's or other reason we should respect their privacy and let the past sleep on
It is also a good way for a poor provider to start over again.
dirty dog's Avatar
I have talked with Gemma for at least the last year and can tell you she is one of the most honest, reliable, discreet provider ive ever talked to. Originally Posted by Grizzly
Thats probably your longest relationship, congrats.
Thanks for the hijacking of my thread. What a hypocritical move there DD. All the crying and bitching you did about others hijacking what's her names thread....
dirty dog's Avatar
awww Gemma keep trying sweetie.