Dropdown Box for Rate

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This question seems to be one that creates a little confusion for those that search for specific rate information.

As you know, fees are often displayed in different ways (i.e. $$$, 3$, 3, 300, $x3). Some reviewers even attempt to be more creative

I would suggest that you consider creating a dropdown menu from which the fee may be selected. Sure, choices would have to be limited somewhat AND someone will pay a fee that may not be specifically listed in the menu, but it would be easier to follow...in general.

It is also possible to limit the range/type of characters that may be entered in a field. For example, 130 is okay, but 1.3 is not an authorized entry. If you hobby at all, you are familiar with unauthorized entries...

Just my $0.02, .02, 0.01x2, 2(100/10,000)...you get the point