Trump admits he lost

The people who he encouraged to attack the US Capitol on Jan 6th must he glad to hear that. It turns their grab for freedom into a domestic terrorist attack to try to overturn our democracy, now that Trump has finally admitted that he lost fair and square.
... ... You just make all this up as you go along? ...

... Trump did no such thing.

#### Salty
... ... You just make all this up as you go along? ...

... Trump did no such thing.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
He absolutely admitted he lost the election. Did you watch the video? He said, "I lost by a whisker." It's right there, on video, for all (even his cult) to see.
... ... You just make all this up as you go along? ...

... Trump did no such thing.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

I don't know how anyone can claim that Trump didn't say that he lost the election, when it's literally right there. He says that he lost. There is no need for interpenetration. There is no need for 'What Trump meant to say was...', because it's as clear as day.

If anything, Salty, your post proves that MAGAs don't even seek out the news themselves, even when Their Guy is saying it. They only think what the people on TV tell them to think.

Thanks, and good work.
... ... You just make all this up as you go along? ...

... Trump did no such thing.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
He most certainly did.
... Did you watch Trump's whole interview? ... I'll take it
as a no. ... So a minced clip - with Trump making a face as
He says it is somehow admitting that He lost??

Trump "lost" as in He's no longer President - which is what
He meant. ... Thanks to boxes and boxes of "extra ballots"...

You're MSNBC staffers even called it "A slip of the tounge"...

... See? ... THAT is how I can say it. ...

#### Salty
... Did you watch Trump's whole interview? ... I'll take it
as a no. ... So a minced clip - with Trump making a face as
He says it is somehow admitting that He lost??

Trump "lost" as in He's no longer President - which is what
He meant. ... Thanks to boxes and boxes of "extra ballots"...

You're MSNBC staffers even called it "A slip of the tounge"...

... See? ... THAT is how I can say it. ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

Fantastic leap of logic right there. I like how you took 'Well, what Trump meant to say was...' and ran with it.

He said he lost the election by a whisker. so what does that mean about him trying to overrule the election, with the fake electors and J6th?

What did he lose? What did he lose that justified him trying to steal the election? If he lost, he lost. If he won, he won. In no situation would there be any way to justify trying to overturn the election if he lost. Which he did, and he said he did.
This video proves, beyond the shadow of any doubt, that trump knows he lost and that he tried to STEAL the 2020 election. He's unAmerican to the core. Everything he accused Democrats of doing is what he did himself. The blood of Ashli Babbitt (among others) is on his hands.
i agree with Salty.

Trump would never agree he lost. He is too stupid to stop lying. He actually may have had a chance if he wasnt such a dickhead
Fantastic leap of logic right there. I like how you took 'Well, what Trump meant to say was...' and ran with it.

He said he lost the election by a whisker. so what does that mean about him trying to overrule the election, with the fake electors and J6th?

What did he lose? What did he lose that justified him trying to steal the election? If he lost, he lost. If he won, he won. In no situation would there be any way to justify trying to overturn the election if he lost. Which he did, and he said he did. Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
... First of all - lemme show some respect to YOU, as your
claim as far as it goes was correct - if we're splicing
and cutting clips, as they do in political adverts.

But now, are you and the other lads tryin' to hijack
yer-own thread with the "steal the election" piss??

Which is the topic? ... Trump's comment OR yer view that
Trump somehow tryed to "steal the election"??

Please let me know, as I surely got A LOT of comments on how
the election was stolen. (along-with "award-winning" threads)

#### Salty
i agree with Salty.

Trump would never agree he lost. He is too stupid to stop lying. He actually may have had a chance if he wasnt such a dickhead Originally Posted by mtnitlion
He most definitely admitted he lost in that interview, though. I realize he probably didn't mean to admit it, but he did. Straight from his rancid pie hole.
This topic is very much about Trump admitting in an interview that he lost the 2020 election, and what that entails with how he tried to illegally overturn the election, which he has been claiming for the past 4 year, that he won. I believe all of this is easily inferred, what with the discussion matter and obvious facts that everyone should know.

Anyway, back on topic

Trump admitted that he lost the 2020 election, which he has been claiming for 4 years that he won, that it was stolen, and that he had illegal electors and a mob try to overturn the vote. Which again, we know that he lost, and he now admits that he lost, but that he previously claimed that for the past 4 years, he had won.

Can we finally pick up the toys off the floor and put him on trial for trying to overthrow democracy, attempting to steal the election, and goaded a mob of people to break in and riot in the capitol? He just said that he did it. We all know that he did it. We all have the evidence that says he did it. Now he's saying that he did it.
... Trump wasn't trying to "overthrow democracy" and Trump didn't
goad a mob to break into the Capitol - what part of "Peacefully
and Patriotically" don't you understand?

You forget - WE have the videos from 6th January.
People being led into the Capitol - doors even held open for
some of them. ... Some - like the "Shaman" bloke - surely being
led-about the place like yer President Lincoln being led-about
the Starship Enterprise...

You also forget there were STILL election questions on 6 Jan.
A number of states with ballot issues - Georgia still not resolved.

So, Trump was right to question the Certification - and have
state electors at the ready. ... Just as Maxine Waters and the
Dems tryed to do back in 2017 - at Trump's Certification.

You must have missed that.

#### Salty
... Trump wasn't trying to "overthrow democracy" and Trump didn't
goad a mob to break into the Capitol - what part of "Peacefully
and Patriotically" don't you understand? Originally Posted by Salty Again
Maybe the part where they weren't being peaceful or patriotic at all? They were beating cops with trump flagpoles, for fuck's sake. That's the exact opposite of "peaceful and patriotic".
Maybe the part where they weren't being peaceful or patriotic at all? They were beating cops with trump flagpoles, for fuck's sake. That's the exact opposite of "peaceful and patriotic". Originally Posted by tommy156
Not worth it. Salty is trying to derail the thread by turning it into a discussion about what happened on J6th. We all know what happened, we aren't discussing it because there is nothing relevant anyone can say about it. Every American knows that what happened there was an attack on our country, by our country, and that it's wrong. Not worth even to acknowledge these kind of falsities.

Trump admitted that the 2020 election was fairly lost.
Gee for those 1500 or so people who have been nabbed by the FBI... would had been nice for them to know beforehand that they were illegally breaking the law, not trying to 'save' the election.