Old Threads and Old Jokes

James1588's Avatar
So, I'm reading a thread elsewhere on Eccie and somebody seems to want to pre-empt the discussion by citing a thread on the same topic from a couple of years ago. This reminded me of a story:

John is convicted of a crime and goes to prison. After arriving, he's with a group of his fellow prisoners who seem to be having a good time. One prisoner says, "Number 71!" Everyone breaks out laughing. Another says, "Number 16!" Again, the group is convulsed in laughter.

"What are you guys talking about?" asks John.

The first prisoner replies, "We've all been in here so long, and told each other the same jokes so many times, we've got 'em numbered. Saves the time of telling them."

"Oh," says John.

One of the other prisoners calls out, "I've got one ... number 34!"

The whole group is silent. No one laughs.

"What's the matter?" asks John. "Isn't number 34 a good joke?"

The first prisoner replies, "Oh, it's a good joke, all right. Thing is ... Dave there don't tell it right."