Dumb Ass Republican Hypocrites

  • Tiny
  • 07-07-2016, 09:00 PM
This morning James Comey told the House Oversight Committee that mens rea is the reason Hillary Clinton should not be prosecuted. Basically that means that Hillary didn’t know she was potentially committing a crime and therefore should not be prosecuted. The Republican congressmen were not pleased. They believe she should be prosecuted and jailed.

So why are the Republican congressmen hypocrites? Because mens rea reform is something they believe in. Republican and Democrat congressmen agree that there are too many Americans in jail. The USA has more people in prison as a % of the population than any other country, by far, and many are there on account of nonviolent crimes. The politicians can’t come to agreement because the mother fucking Democrats refuse mens rea reform. The reason is because they want to be able to prosecute white collar types who have violated stupid laws and regulations they never even knew existed. The Democrat politicians view these people, businessmen in particular, as potential Republicans and want to fuck them over. Another example, the Democrats want to prosecute Global Warming skeptics. The official party platform calls for prosecuting companies like Exxon for fraud. Some Democrat politicians have called for prosecuting academics whose research questions Global Warming. Why? Again, they want to fuck over their enemies, and for this example, Global Warming, reward their friends the trial lawyers, who would take in tons of money and potentially bankrupt the energy companies, just like they did to the tobacco companies and companies that had anything to do with asbestos.

And now, Republicans are stooping to the same level, in wanting to charge Hillary Clinton with a felony for doing something she never knew was illegal.

And why are the Republican congressmen dumb asses, at least the ones who want Trump to win? Trump will probably lose the way things are now. But if Hillary withdrew because she were charged with a felony, Trump wouldn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell. Biden and Sanders both poll much higher than Hillary against him. The outcome was the best the pro-Trump Republicans could hope for. Comey damaged Hillary with his comments, but she wasn’t removed from the race, to be replaced by a stronger candidate.
  • Tiny
  • 07-07-2016, 09:01 PM
To clarify, while I believe Republican politicians are dumb ass hypocrites, I believe Democrat politicians are mother fuckers. And my esteemed fellow sport fuckers who post here are neither. The Republicans and Independents among us are intelligent, the Libertarians are super-intelligent, and the Democrats are misguided.
This morning James Comey told the House Oversight Committee that mens rea is the reason Hillary Clinton should not be prosecuted. Basically that means that Hillary didn’t know she was potentially committing a crime and therefore should not be prosecuted. The Republican congressmen were not pleased. They believe she should be prosecuted and jailed.

So why are the Republican congressmen hypocrites? Because mens rea reform is something they believe in. Republican and Democrat congressmen agree that there are too many Americans in jail. The USA has more people in prison as a % of the population than any other country, by far, and many are there on account of nonviolent crimes. The politicians can’t come to agreement because the mother fucking Democrats refuse mens rea reform. The reason is because they want to be able to prosecute white collar types who have violated stupid laws and regulations they never even knew existed. The Democrat politicians view these people, businessmen in particular, as potential Republicans and want to fuck them over. Another example, the Democrats want to prosecute Global Warming skeptics. The official party platform calls for prosecuting companies like Exxon for fraud. Some Democrat politicians have called for prosecuting academics whose research questions Global Warming. Why? Again, they want to fuck over their enemies, and for this example, Global Warming, reward their friends the trial lawyers, who would take in tons of money and potentially bankrupt the energy companies, just like they did to the tobacco companies and companies that had anything to do with asbestos.

And now, Republicans are stooping to the same level, in wanting to charge Hillary Clinton with a felony for doing something she never knew was illegal.

And why are the Republican congressmen dumb asses, at least the ones who want Trump to win? Trump will probably lose the way things are now. But if Hillary withdrew because she were charged with a felony, Trump wouldn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell. Biden and Sanders both poll much higher than Hillary against him. The outcome was the best the pro-Trump Republicans could hope for. Comey damaged Hillary with his comments, but she wasn’t removed from the race, to be replaced by a stronger candidate. Originally Posted by Tiny
I am not buying this Mens Rea bullshit. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. If she was committing a crime she knew dam good and well that she was and everyone involved in the investigation knew it too. Our Political system has been hijacked by lawless self absorbed assholes that don't give a dam about the rule of law and what it means to be impartial and exercise integrity, and that goes for both Democrats and Republicans. This country has gone to hell in a hand basket, and it's going to get much worse before it's gets better.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The Republicans, whom I generally dislike intensely, want Hillary to be charged with a felony because Hillary committed a felony. Comey is a Clinton lapdog. He's run interference for the Clintons in at least two prior cases. He knows what happens to people who cross the Clintons. And you know full well if this were a Republican under investigation, you'd be demanding they be executed, you fucking partisan hack.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
So if someone directed a flow of toxic waste down a drain and, unbeknownst to them, into a river that they can't be charged?

Irrelevant anyway, Hillary signed paperwork the day she took office telling her it was illegal.
So this is what it comes down to.

"The world's smartest woman" is too stupid to realize that as Secretary of State, her conversations and correspondence on electronic devices should be secure.

Anybody buying that? Sure.

The bitch did all this for one reason, to cover her tracks with all of the corrupt enterprises she and her husband are involved in.

Trump is right. She has perfected the art of "politics for profit".
gfejunkie's Avatar
One of the most flawed logic, horseshit posts I've ever read.

And now, Republicans are stooping to the same level, in wanting to charge Hillary Clinton with a felony for doing something she never knew was illegal. Originally Posted by Tiny
She knew exactly what she was doing.

It's not the crime, but the cover-up. As Nixon found out.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Irony post is ironic
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So if someone directed a flow of toxic waste down a drain and, unbeknownst to them, into a river that they can't be charged?

Irrelevant anyway, Hillary signed paperwork the day she took office telling her it was illegal. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
southtown4488's Avatar
where was all the demand for Powel to be investigated by the FBI? where was the demand for him to be politically lynched? he basically did the same thing.
I B Hankering's Avatar
where was all the demand for Powel to be investigated by the FBI? where was the demand for him to be politically lynched? he basically did the same thing. Originally Posted by southtown4488
You're a a lying, sycophant dim-retard, suckclown. Powell never stored SAP classified documents on an insecure server of his own devise in his fucking basement, suckclown.
You're a a lying, sycophant dim-retard, suckclown. Powell never stored SAP classified documents on an insecure server of his own devise in his fucking basement, suckclown. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
But a lyin lib has to defend their " Dear Leader " doncha know ! I figured it'd only be a matter of time before ole suckclown spewed HIS BS and defended shriLIARy !
gfejunkie's Avatar
where was all the demand for Powel to be investigated by the FBI? where was the demand for him to be politically lynched? he basically did the same thing. Originally Posted by southtown4488
The dumb-ass dimbulbocrats tried to pull that shit off during the hearing yesterday. It didn't fly then. It doesn't fly now.
The reason is because they want to be able to prosecute white collar types who have violated stupid laws and regulations they never even knew existed.

White collar crime does exist, as well as fraud crimes, and should be prosecuted fully under current criminal statutes. For example, current probate code needs to be reformed so that power of attorney cannot be obtained when elderly persons are under duress and/or have dementia, which is what happened to my parents. My aunt stole half the estate this way. This is called a "white collar crime" and is very had to prove. It is now called abuse of power of attorney and is currently a federal crime. Here is another example of scammed Exxon employees who lost their retirement income due to a fraud scheme (white collar crime):

southtown4488's Avatar
you guys cannot have an adult debate, always have to regress to childish rants and name calling. . . it only shows u have a weak argument.