Frickin COLD!

I am driving through Pitts, Erie, Cleveland. Had to pull over and take a leak and thought my willy was going to fall off. Got to find a place to thaw him out. Yeesh!
bkfantasy's Avatar
Check the encounter reports. More than a few ideas there.
Iceman's Avatar
No woman is going to want a frozen Willie
I have a report who had to take the day off (from the Chicago burbs) to deal with the fallout from the frost quake that occurred on his property.

Frost quake. Everything is relative.
bkfantasy's Avatar
I have a report who had to take the day off (from the Chicago burbs) to deal with the fallout from the frost quake that occurred on his property.

Frost quake. Everything is relative. Originally Posted by tannana
You fell for that?
Found one!
Lexxxy's Avatar
Brrrr here it got to -10 with -35 wind chill.
You fell for that? Originally Posted by bkfantasy
Lol. Guys who make what he does don't need to make shit up to take a day off. Plus, I've personally seen it happen (albeit way further north).
Frost quakes are real.
Real freaky.
bambino's Avatar
Oh Jesus tap dancing Christ. It’s cold, it’s fuckin February. Dress appropriately and deal with it.
Lexxxy's Avatar
Oh Jesus tap dancing Christ. It’s cold, it’s fuckin February. Dress appropriately and deal with it. Originally Posted by bambino
My ginger rage keeps me warm Lmfao
Big Stig's Avatar
I've spent a lot of time in Minneapolis the last few years and what we experienced here the last few days is typical daily winter weather there. In fact it would be considered mild. I was there for an entire week in February and the high temperatures for the entire week was minus 19 degrees. The last couple days they experienced minus 55 degrees with wind chill.

They go to work and school every day and just deal with it. They are tough folks. People here are wimps. LOL
There’s a lot of truth there on Minnesota. There are two seasons up there: August and winter.

It’s the little things: everyone with a brain (some without) runs snow tires. You can find a place to plug in your block heater. Weather stripping is treated as an actual maintenance item. Etc.
Oh Jesus tap dancing Christ. It’s cold, it’s fuckin February. Dress appropriately and deal with it. Originally Posted by bambino

My best suggestion is a 3/4 to full length fur. Nothing compares as far as staying warm- even if you're naked underneath

Separate but unrelated...I thought that polar bears and hoes were immune to the cold.