why i love hospitals

blasian1246's Avatar
Well, Ive been m.i.a. the past two weeks (no hobbying, missed the social, hell even missed out on two weeks of work), and for what reason??? Well, initially my son was admitted for almost a week (thank the lord it wasn't anything serious), and after being stuck at the hospital for a week, I received a good luck/well wishes present from somebody at the hospital...pink eye! How great is that! Ive never had pink eye until now, and I must say...it sucks! Its embarrassing, my eyes hurt, and I'm isolated upstairs with nothing to do. Well, sorry for starting this thread...just wanted to vent, lets those who I was suppose to set up an appointment with know (y'all know who you are, and yes...I'm avoiding y'all, but for a good reason lol), and to tell y'all to WASH YOUR HANDS. I kept washing them and used the sanitizer religiously, yet I got it somehow! Hope to see y'all at the next social!
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
Hope you feel better soon.
blasian1246's Avatar
Thanks sir...just watching the Baltimore game with all the lights on to ease the discomfort! You would think doing nothing for 2 weeks would be nice...it isn't! I think I'm going insane.
I was wondering where you had disappeared to! I was going to pm you and make sure you were ok!
blasian1246's Avatar
I was wondering where you had disappeared to! I was going to pm you and make sure you were ok! Originally Posted by Malaya
Yes ma'am, the past two weeks haven't been the best. Once I'm up and going again, you know who ill be calling!
Yes ma'am, the past two weeks haven't been the best. Once I'm up and going again, you know who ill be calling! Originally Posted by blasian1246
You know breast milk helps with pink eye right? LOL if I had some I'd totally help!
Coolpops's Avatar
Sorry to hear about that pinkeye crap blasain. I used to get that crap when
I was stationed in the Phillipines a lot. Make sure you use your eye drops a
lot--keep them eyeballs lubricated.
colt's Avatar
  • colt
  • 09-28-2012, 03:30 AM
Dude those things on the wall that squirt white liquid they aren't spooge machines they are hand cleaner.

Since we humans touch our face an average of 3000 times a day we need to keep them clean.

I worked in a hospital, being the type that never gets sick, well that shit went out the window, I had everthing known to man the first year, after that I learned to hit the spooge machine, excuse me hand cleaning stations. So I know your pain, consider yourself lucky you didn't get somthing worse like MSRA etc.
BoomShakaLaka's Avatar
I had it a couple of months ago as well -- never had it in my life -- I feel your pain man -- its not a fun thing to have

Hope ya kick it soon and make sure to use those drops religiously if they gave you any
blasian1246's Avatar
Thanks all...im using the drops as if im addicted to them. It helps for a couple of minutes. I used the sanitizer dispensers at every corner while in the hospital, and still ended up getting it.
Get better soon man. Nothing better than waking up with your eye glued shut. Some nasty ass germs out there. Now I see why people are Germ Phobes