New Findings on Oral HPV

Will Boner's Avatar
Hate to be the bearer of unpleasant information, but this should scare the shit out of everyone.
KikiCassini's Avatar
Yup yup!! Just one more *GREAT* reason to bump up CBJs (and dental damn usage, to be fair). Great post!
Amanda A'mor's Avatar
So glad I stood my grounds. PLASTIC IS A MUST BOTH WAYS. Great post nice looking out OP. Safe queen xoxo Chere
So I guess kissing is out of the question too?
Wakeup's Avatar
So, according to the article, fewer than 15,000 people each year get HPV-linked oral cancer, and 7% of the population has HPV. You may eat pussy twice a week.

40,000 people die each year in car wrecks, and 70% of the population has a car. You get in a car several times every day.

You going to quit driving your car too?

How about you drive your car with a condom on and a dental dam over your mouth...put out the info and let people decide on their own what to do with it...leave the alarmist sentiments at home, we're all full up on crazy here already...
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Now that was fu*kin funny wakeup!
So, according to the article, fewer than 15,000 people each year get HPV-linked oral cancer, and 7% of the population has HPV. You may eat pussy twice a week......
we're all full up on crazy here already... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Is that 1 pussy twice a week or 2 pussies once a week??
pickupkid's Avatar
they don't really know what causes cancer, sure there are a lot of cases of cancer but is that true in any case.And you know what they ask if you get oral cancer.."do you have oral sex, well then must be where you got oral cancer from."
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Is that 1 pussy twice a week or 2 pussies once a week?? Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Its a sad day when I think the same thing about a post as Ed...... either Ed is starting to make sense to me..... or sanity has found its way back to Ed..... Not sure I like either one being the answer.....

Sweet N Little's Avatar
And other things to worry about lol

... this should scare the shit out of everyone. Originally Posted by Hugh Jardon
No, it really shouldn't. The article even says so.
tonytiger4u's Avatar
Late in the article it suggests the mouth is more resistant to HPV. No cause for alarm if you read the actual facts. If you still drive a car everyday you are taking more risk than BCD with an escort. So, lick away!
pickupkid's Avatar
oh by the way sex causes death,,,so are you going to stop having sex?
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
So glad I stood my grounds. PLASTIC IS A MUST BOTH WAYS. Great post nice looking out OP. Safe queen xoxo Chere Originally Posted by leslee chere love
You get that paranoid you may as well just stop fucking altogether.
Herpes is contracted through mere skin to skin contact.
whatchu gonna do then?
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Damn you SnL!!!
You trying to get me to quit smoking?