Number 3 at Best Despite Pre-convention Sales for anti-Obama movie

Munchmasterman's Avatar
Saturday morning's numbers for Friday Aug 23-25

Some other numbers from Aug 17 through Aug 23

Top 5 Engagement averages ($ Number in red)

Cosmopolis Entertainment One Films Drama $70,339 $70,339 0.00% 3 $23,446 1 $266,912

Robot & Frank IDP/Samuel Goldwyn Films Comedy $35,539 $35,539 0.00% 2 $17,770 1 $35,539

Compliance Magnolia Pictures Suspense $16,427 $16,427 0.00% 1 $16,427 1 $16,427

Expendables 2, The Lionsgate Action $36,777,834 $28,591,370 0.00% 3 316 $11,091 1 $36,777,8345

Ek Tha Tiger Yash Raj Films Action $1,139,340 $1,139,340 230% 118 $9,655 1 $1,484,404

Anti-Obama movie $7,365
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  • 08-25-2012, 05:28 AM
That is our righties new chant

We're number three! ( Maybe, If we're lucky)

For them, I suppose that is a step up.
Your Variety link clearly shows Obama 2016 being the Number 1 movie in the Documentary category. It was #3 against ALL movie categories.

Thañks for posting.
joe bloe's Avatar
Your Variety link clearly shows Obama 2016 being the Number 1 movie in the Documentary category. It was #3 against ALL movie categories.

Thañks for posting. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
The Obama movie is still in a fairly limited release compared to the big budget blockbusters. I think it's in roughly 1,000 theaters compared to 3,000 theaters for the big budget movies. Apparently it's doing very well for a documentary.

The real danger to Obama is word of mouth. Every person that sees the movie will tell several people about it, and they will tell others. In a few days, a few million viewers will get the word out that Obama is not a patriotic American, and that he has no business being president.

Most Americans believe that we are best country in the world; I know I do. It's clear that Obama believes we are the worst.
Romulus just joined the birther movement he is in lockstep with Trump now that will garner him the birther votes.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
The Obama movie is still in a fairly limited release compared to the big budget blockbusters. I think it's in roughly 1,000 theaters compared to 3,000 theaters for the big budget movies. Apparently it's doing very well for a documentary.

The real danger to Obama is word of mouth. Every person that sees the movie will tell several people about it, and they will tell others. In a few days, a few million viewers will get the word out that Obama is not a patriotic American, and that he has no business being president.

Most Americans believe that we are best country in the world; I know I do. It's clear that Obama believes we are the worst. Originally Posted by joe bloe
And of course it makes no difference that there are numerous factual errors. Errors that are easily checkable.

The fact you haven't even looked speaks volumes about your "patriotism" and your character as squatters in this great land of ours.
Wrapping yourselves in the Constitution when it suits you and shitting on it when it is in the way.

That's right. This is just America. He is just the President.

And y'all are just the "End justifies the means" gang.

You will throw away our national honor and true greatness to save your narrow view. Ignorant assholes.

And of course it makes no difference that there are numerous factual errors. Errors that are easily checkable.

The fact you haven't even looked speaks volumes about your "patriotism" and your character as squatters in this great land of ours.
Wrapping yourselves in the Constitution when it suits you and shitting on it when it is in the way.

That's right. This is just America. He is just the President.

And y'all are just the "End justifies the means" gang.

You will throw away our national honor and true greatness to save your narrow view. Ignorant assholes. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Your Variety link clearly shows Obama 2016 being the Number 1 movie in the Documentary category. It was #3 against ALL movie categories.

Thañks for posting. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
That's right.

I see you notice I included that fact. Blow joe didn't point it out.

Nowhere in his thread does it's ranking get specific.

He clearly is giving the impression it is #1 in all catagories, not just documentaries.

A shining example of honesty.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Glup,,glup,,,glup.... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You're swallowing the load....again?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Munchie, what are the factual errors? I'd like to know. Thank you.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You'll have to forgive our nitwit friends. They can't understand statistics and they believe that we are in recovery also. I don't like it when they lie though. Romney is a birther now???? Now that is a lie plain and simple and you should be ashamed. After all, he is a former governor and should be taken at his word right?

They also believe that there are 4-5 million more jobs than 2008 and Obama created them. They also believe that "green" energy is a good investment. They also believe that union leaders are just happy, nice guys with the best interests of the American people in their hearts. They also believe that Sandra Fluke really does need us to buy her birth control. They have Kool-Aid addiction.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Munchie, what are the factual errors? I'd like to know. Thank you. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
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  • 08-25-2012, 10:15 AM

Most Americans believe that we are best country in the world; I know I do. It's clear that Obama believes we are the worst. Originally Posted by joe bloe
And you sir should be hung like Saddam.

You are a worse threat to this country than he ever was.

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  • 08-25-2012, 10:16 AM
Munchie, what are the factual errors? I'd like to know. Thank you. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Dinesh D'Souza's Lies About Obama, Now In Movie Form
D'Souza boosts this ludicrous premise (Obama ran for the presidency because he hates colonialism ... just like America's founders!) using several claims that are simply not rooted in reality. A few examples:
  • D'Souza claims that TARP and the federal bailout were programs that "Obama launched." Both programs began under the Bush administration.
  • D'Souza claims Obama went by the name Barack to adopt his father's "African identity," but Obama has explicitly said his name change "was not some assertion of my African roots."
  • D'Souza insists that references in Obama speeches to a "nuclear-free world" are evidence of "anti-colonialism," but Ronald Reagan made multiple references to the same concept.
  • D'Souza claimed that Obama supported the release of the Lockerbie bomber because he sometimes "supports the release of terrorists who claim to be fighting wars of liberation against American aggression." But the Obama administration formally opposed the release in an official letter from the State Department.
  • D'Souza claimed that Obama referred to BP as "British Petroleum" in a May 2010 speech. He never did.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar

Dinesh D'Souza's Lies About Obama, Now In Movie Form
D'Souza boosts this ludicrous premise (Obama ran for the presidency because he hates colonialism ... just like America's founders!) using several claims that are simply not rooted in reality. A few examples:
  • D'Souza claims that TARP and the federal bailout were programs that "Obama launched." Both programs began under the Bush administration.
  • D'Souza claims Obama went by the name Barack to adopt his father's "African identity," but Obama has explicitly said his name change "was not some assertion of my African roots." Ok. He adopts the name of his father, but that has nothing to with his father, or his father's nationality. Seriously? You buy that? And that is the most important errir in the film?
  • D'Souza insists that references in Obama speeches to a "nuclear-free world" are evidence of "anti-colonialism," but Ronald Reagan made multiple references to the same concept. If you can't see the differences in nuance between Obama and Reagan, then I can't help you.
  • D'Souza claimed that Obama supported the release of the Lockerbie bomber because he sometimes "supports the release of terrorists who claim to be fighting wars of liberation against American aggression." But the Obama administration formally opposed the release in an official letter from the State Department. Obama did support a "compassionate release" in Scotland.
  • D'Souza claimed that Obama referred to BP as "British Petroleum" in a May 2010 speech. He never did. And who gives a flying fuck if he did or not? That's a major "lie" under your definition. What the hell does BP stand for?
Originally Posted by WTF
Media Matters? George Soros? They are to journalism and fact checking what Mad Magazine is to the Christian Science Monitor.

God, you guys are funny!