Was The NYPD Responsible For 10 Of The 11 People Shot Yesterday?

SEE3772's Avatar

The Sikh Temple Shooting and the Batman Massacre

UPDATE: A family member whose parents were victims of the shooting said his parents told him there were "multiple shooters" involved in a "coordinated" attack.

An eyewitness to the Sikh temple shooting in Wisconsin says that a team of four men dressed in black carried out the massacre, contradicting the official narrative that a lone gunman was the culprit.

Original Clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature...&v=9ecdSKi9_fs

RELATED: Sikh Temple Shooting: Get Ready For "Hate Crime" Propaganda - http://www.infowars.com/sikh-temple-...-crime-propaga...

Just like the 'Batman' massacre, after which eyewitnesses clearly stated that James Holmes had an accomplice, today's tragedy in Oak Creek is already throwing up questions that may suggest a wider plot.

Speaking with the Associated Press, an eyewitness stated, "Between ten and ten-thirty, four white males who were dressed darkly, dressed in all black clothing, came in and opened fire on our congregation."

With the federal government already labeling the shootings a "domestic terror incident," the narrative is already being manufactured to blame the tragedy on conservatives and libertarians, as well as demonizing the second amendment.

President Barack Obama is already positioning himself to politically exploit the incident. Top Democratic strategists have previously welcomed the prospect of domestic terror incidents as a means of boosting Obama's poll numbers and helping him re-connect with the American people.
by Paul Joseph Watson
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The gun control crowd has always said that they don't like high capacity magazines and new modern death guns. The gun man had a gun with a century old tech and an seven round (one in the chamber for eight) magazine. The "good guys" had high capacity magazines and very modern death guns (Glocks). I have seen the video. The gunman had the drop on the cops but didn't shoot. He pulled his gun and pointed at both cops. Only then did they draw their weapons and start shooting. It would take guts (like in all the TV shows) but the cops had good reason to believe that he won't shoot again. So I guess this is suicide by cop and a bunch of other people paid the price.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
The gun control crowd has always said that they don't like high capacity magazines and new modern death guns. The gun man had a gun with a century old tech and an seven round (one in the chamber for eight) magazine. The "good guys" had high capacity magazines and very modern death guns (Glocks). I have seen the video. The gunman had the drop on the cops but didn't shoot. He pulled his gun and pointed at both cops. Only then did they draw their weapons and start shooting. It would take guts (like in all the TV shows) but the cops had good reason to believe that he won't shoot again. So I guess this is suicide by cop and a bunch of other people paid the price. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
So a .45 Auto isn't as dangerous as a Glock? A 1911 isn't a death gun?

Both delivery systems work just fine. The 9mm round is older tech than the .45 auto round.

Everyone knows the .45 was developed because the .38 special (basically a 9mm with more powder) was ineffective in many situations.

A single, close range .45 auto is fatal far more often than a similar 9mm wound. Difficult to stop the bleeding of an exit wound the size of a CD
pyramider's Avatar
You gotta love the hollow points.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Sometimes Munchie I wonder how dense you are and how much is just an act. You do realize that a ban on magazines over 10 rounds has been a staple of the gun control people? This .45 holds eight they said (we really don't know how many it actually had it of course) so it is a 1911A1 or a variant. The gun control people have always wanted to ban assault weapons, Glocks (plastic guns), and anything that frightens them into wetting their pants (panties?). My point, which is an easy one, is that this is the kind of magazine that they like and it is not a modern "assualt" style weapon. This has absolutely nothing to do with the caliber of the bullet. I would say save your drinking for the weekend but it is the weekend.