Favorite Boogie Nights Character???

I pick Roller Girl. I'm picking some skates up this spring!
The Sixth Beatle's Avatar
As far as who I'd like to see, Roller Girl is it for me (the yummy Heather Graham), but as for my favorite character, I like Little Bill's wife. She was played by Nina Hartley and was going to get hers no matter what!
I loved Don Cheadle (Played Buck Swope) and Melora Walters (Played Jessie St. Vincent).
Boogie Nights. My favorite is the coke dealer, cause that guy is just cool. If I'm not mistaken he just lounged around in tighty whiteys and listening to his mix tapes of classic rock!!
Definately roller girl. that movie made me want to do it with my skates on.
LemMotlow's Avatar
Boogie Nights. My favorite is the coke dealer, cause that guy is just cool. If I'm not mistaken he just lounged around in tighty whiteys and listening to his mix tapes of classic rock!! Originally Posted by topcity785
Listening to Night Ranger and lighting firecrackers- can't beat that.
Like one of these?
Julianne Moore as "Amber Waves" - my favorite character based on the reality, depth, pain and truth of her character's convoluted essence as it was written, imagined and subsequently interpreted by her as an actress and the director. . . completely pegging the dichotomy and internal struggle plaguing a person immersed in the business, and her performance in this film - her portrayal of "Amber", wow . . . she pulled it off perfectly. I have personally encountered many people in the business and she hit it right "on the money" in more ways than one. Plus, my God, she is hot . . . if she were bisexual I'd probably stalk her.


Also, although a minor character, Philip Seymour Hoffman's performance as Scotty was incredible . . . and accurate in regard to the "groupie" type of people that work on set in the industry, sometimes for no other reason but to be close to the action.

Scotty: " I'm a fuggin' idiot. I'm a fuggin' idiot. Fuggin' idiot, fuggin' idiot, fuggin' idiot... "


- Jackie
RollerGirl...no question
6ULDV8's Avatar
Julianne Moore as "Amber Waves" - my favorite character based on the reality, depth, pain and truth of her character's convoluted essence as it was written, imagined and subsequently interpreted by her as an actress and the director. . . completely pegging the dichotomy and internal struggle plaguing a person immersed in the business, and her performance in this film - her portrayal of "Amber", wow . . . she pulled it off perfectly. I have personally encountered many people in the business and she hit it right "on the money" in more ways than one. Plus, my God, she is hot . . . if she were bisexual I'd probably stalk her.


- Jackie Originally Posted by jackie@sintropolis
Yeah, all that and the part where she says "you can come in me if you want"
I loved Don Cheadle (Played Buck Swope) and Melora Walters (Played Jessie St. Vincent). Originally Posted by BottomlessFilth
Actually went to Jr. High with Melora. She didn't look like that back then as I recall.
Philhelm's Avatar
Definitely Roller Girl.