Time for Third Party?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Booth's thread/poll got me thinking again about the value of having three or even four strong political parties in the United States.

Unfortunately, the media and FEC only really recognize the Democrats and Republicans, which has meant that Libertarians, Greens, Socialists and others get no support, matching funds or equal time.

However, now we have a REAL dilemma vis a vis the group calling themselves the "Tea Party." They aren't really Republicans, though they seem to vote that way. Now, there are lots of major rifts between Tea Party groups in different parts of the country.

Here in Texas, Tea Party candidates swept the GOP to a super majority in the State House of Representatives, though the 22 freshmen have probably been more at fault for the chaotic legislative session that we're seeing now.

So my question is:


I think they should, and be accorded all the privileges of the Republicans and Democrats. I also think the Greens, Libertarians, Socialists and Silly Parties should be elevated as well.

The two party system is killing politics in America.
KosherCowboy's Avatar
I hope they don't, at least not until Obama is gone or 2016. Maybe even not than. I agree with much of their platform but in reality if they become party #3, they will suck votes away from the Red Team and ' split the vote' essentially handing the oval office to B. Hussein Obama in a landslide.

No other party is going to actually win, it's either going to be a Donkey or an Elephant so we may as well have a choice of two as far as I am concerned because #3 is going to simply suck votes from one or the other.

when #3 doesn't have a chance in hell of winning in the first place..

I would like to sleep with some of the Tea Party MILF's however...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I think Barry O is pretty much a lock for 2012 and the Tea Party factions within the GOP will probably do it for him, similar to the way the Religious Right drove moderate Republicans away from Bush and to Clinton AND Perot.
They already receive campaign funds--as Republicans!!. Look, if you only endorse GOP candidates, only vote for GOP candidates and spend most of your free time deriding Democrats and plotting their overthrow...well, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but you're a Republican. An extremist republican, to be sure, but nonetheless...

Giving them more funds would basically amount to double-dipping.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
They already receive campaign funds--as Republicans!!. Look, if you only endorse GOP candidates, only vote for GOP candidates and spend most of your free time deriding Democrats and plotting their overthrow...well, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but you're a Republican. An extremist republican, to be sure, but nonetheless...

Giving them more funds would basically amount to double-dipping. Originally Posted by TexasT
Yeah, but there's a difference between how you RUN for office and how you GOVERN once you're in. The Ts might only endorse GOP candidates (of their choosing) but the Tea Party activists are making a mess out of the Republican majority in Congress and have rendered the Texas Legislature null and void.

They only endorse Rs because they'd never endorse a D. I've got a LOT of Republican friends and they're understandably frustrated and embarrassed by their party's inability to govern because of the countless stumbling blocks thrown in their path, both in Washington and in statehouses across America. Not by the Dems but by the Tea Party activists.

Imagine being elsewhere and turning over a third of your parliament to Al Queda or the IRA. Italy democratically elected a slate of Communists a while back. They may be with you at the ballot box, but they're not interested in anything other than their own single-issue agenda and will fight you tooth and nail when it comes time to legislate. Nothing gets done. And at the end of the day, the people reject the entire lot of them.

So, if the Tea Party had its own slate of candidates, elect its own representatives (if it can), then the rest of the people can pursue a united agenda based on political philosophy and party platform. Right now, the only group that has anything resembling philosophical unity is the Democrats (and that's not saying much at all!)
TexRich's Avatar
I dont know, lets ask Chrissy Matthews.
GneissGuy's Avatar
I'm waiting for someone to found the "We're not nutjobs" party. I haven't seen it yet.
I Just Sharted's Avatar
Its time those who support leeches to realize the errors of their ways.
I Just Sharted's Avatar
I dont know, lets ask Chrissy Matthews. Originally Posted by TexRich
Michelle Obama is probably jealous because he sucks off King Hussein better than she can!
munchman350's Avatar
The Tea Party was only created to appease those who felt betrayed by Bush/Cheney while still keeping them under the "republican't" umbrella. It is obvious that the republican'ts merely want to support Big Biz, the rich and the corporate investor, and the republican'ts need this machine to brainwash these people to keep their political support; they do this by playing on these peoples' social and political prejudices and keeping them in a sense of outrage so they will be less likely to use common sense or pay attention to what is going on. Most in the Tea Party (as well as those who support republican'ts) get their info from political pundits and do not do the work (such as a "Race, Media and Politics" course in college, reading books, or even just watching CSPAN and hearing it straight form the politicos themselves) to find out for themselves what is going on.

I find it suspect that the republican'ts choose to divide us politically so they can remain relevant. It's the only way they can hang in there.

Wake up! This is just a BS political ploy by conservatives to keep these peoples' support.
If most people would simply take the time to actually read the Constitution then look at the true Libertarian platform, they would be shocked to realize that THEY are indeed Libertarians themselves! It is not some "crazy fringe group" like the Demonicans and Republictrats desperately want you to believe. It is actually the third largest organized political party, and the ORIGINAL PLATFORM OF THE FOUNDING OF THIS COUNTRY! And the Asses and Elephants know it and it scares the crap out of them. Hence the continual marginalization of it and all other independent parties.

Have you ever looked at WHY you are a D or an R? What were your parents? Most people just vote whatever party their parents voted for without ever looking at the platforms, issues, and ideology of that party. Kinda like religion. Did you CHOOSE your religion or are you whatever religion your parents told you to be?

It's amazing how wonderful life can really be when you do your OWN research and make your OWN choices, instead of just going along with whatever was put upon you externally. It's a HUGE part of the problem with both government/politics and society in general.

Vote Libertarian, win a free country. At least check out the actual LP platform (www.lp.org) and take the World's Smallest Political Quiz before you deride it like the rest of the lazy sleeping sheeple. Give it a try, you might be pleasantly surprised.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
If most people would simply take the time to actually read the Constitution then look at the true Libertarian platform, they would be shocked to realize that THEY are indeed Libertarians themselves! It is not some "crazy fringe group" like the Demonicans and Republictrats desperately want you to believe. It is actually the third largest organized political party, and the ORIGINAL PLATFORM OF THE FOUNDING OF THIS COUNTRY! And the Asses and Elephants know it and it scares the crap out of them. Hence the continual marginalization of it and all other independent parties.

Have you ever looked at WHY you are a D or an R? What were your parents? Most people just vote whatever party their parents voted for without ever looking at the platforms, issues, and ideology of that party. Kinda like religion. Did you CHOOSE your religion or are you whatever religion your parents told you to be?

It's amazing how wonderful life can really be when you do your OWN research and make your OWN choices, instead of just going along with whatever was put upon you externally. It's a HUGE part of the problem with both government/politics and society in general.

Vote Libertarian, win a free country. At least check out the actual LP platform (www.lp.org) and take the World's Smallest Political Quiz before you deride it like the rest of the lazy sleeping sheeple. Give it a try, you might be pleasantly surprised. Originally Posted by JustMe68

Well said...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I believe the Libertarians deserve a place at the table and shouldn't be treated as a "fringe" party. They are on the ballot in most states and field candidates for most offices. Why don't they get more votes?
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 05-20-2011, 05:32 PM
Libertarians will never amount to a viable national political force or national third party. Keep in mind that they want a limited government with limited authority over them. Now, then, just how receptive do you think individuals with that sort of viewpoint will respond to mere party officials and organizers trying to exercise authority and influence when they disagree with them, just so that they can present a unified front? Never gonna happen. Catherding on an open prairie during a violent thunderstorm would be more organized.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Only way to win ... make that GET IN ... is with votes. The Ls don't believe in government, so maybe that explains why they can't get anybody elected. It's a shame, because with some influence on the national level, perhaps they could show the rest of the nation how a people can be governed without government; practice what they preach and solve what they shovel.

Perhaps it will be the Tea Party or the Green Party. I'm pretty strong in my belief that two national parties aren't enough. Too many people get herded into one camp or another, though their interests aren't addressed.

That's just like saying you've got to be Liberal or Conservative, period. You can't be both or neither. Makes it too easy NOT to think or participate.

Maybe we need another news network or two. Like the SILLY PARTY!