The war on retirement led by democrats...

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
It first reared it's ugly head four years ago and now its back. A proposal is being bandied about for removing the subsidy on 401K, IRA, and pension contributions. Your retirement money has now become their target for solving budget problems created by the politicians. Some want a surcharge, some want to tax higher, and some want to seize the money and give you a voucher.

and finally
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-29-2012, 12:49 PM
been debunked already ..

not even a nice try JD.
been debunked already ..

not even a nice try JD. Originally Posted by CJ7
Yeah, they know just how far to go.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-29-2012, 01:35 PM
Yeah, they know just how far to go. Originally Posted by acp5762

they? you mean JD and IB

I dunno ... shoveling shit from 05 and 08 doesnt seem far enough for them.
they? you mean JD and IB

I dunno ... shoveling shit from 05 and 08 doesnt seem far enough for them. Originally Posted by CJ7
markroxny's Avatar
they? you mean JD and IB

I dunno ... shoveling shit from 05 and 08 doesnt seem far enough for them. Originally Posted by CJ7
they? you mean JD and IB

I dunno ... shoveling shit from 05 and 08 doesnt seem far enough for them. Originally Posted by CJ7
+ 3
they? you mean JD and IB

I dunno ... shoveling shit from 05 and 08 doesnt seem far enough for them. Originally Posted by CJ7
No actually, I meant the idea of Gov't tinkering with retirements. You said it was debunked. Which leads me to believe they know that subject is best left alone.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Uh, acp, IRA and 401K ARE taxed. Depending on the flavor, they are either before the contribution is made or taxed upon withdrawal. The b.s. about a "surcharge" is, was, and will always be just that: b.s. This is just another righty-tighty Chicken Little scare tactic that doesn't hold water.
That is more reason to just keep working.

Most of the guys my age who have retired get fat, sick, and die.
Uh, acp, IRA and 401K ARE taxed. Depending on the flavor, they are either before the contribution is made or taxed upon withdrawal. The b.s. about a "surcharge" is, was, and will always be just that: b.s. This is just another righty-tighty Chicken Little scare tactic that doesn't hold water. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Well thats good, at least something is still sacred.
It first reared it's ugly head four years ago and now its back. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JD, I tried to tell you not to rear your "ugly head four years ago."

But no, you wouldn't listen!
That is more reason to just keep working.

Most of the guys my age who have retired get fat, sick, and die. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Amen. I don't get the retirement thing. They'll find me dead in my office signing a check for some expense.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The problem with some of you is that you have no idea HOW to retire.
Retirement does not mean that you have to stop working.

I would be interested in some links to the debunked idea that the government is interested in your retirement accounts.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Sometimes I wonder why people voted for this charaltan in the Oval Office and then I read this. Too many people have trouble comprehending things. I don't think anyone here has said that this IS going on. This is about what is going to happen. It has been proposed more than once and spoken of on the floor of Congress. As you can see from the posts (if you bothered to read them) people are considering this stuff. Like banning smoking, DDT, large soft drinks, and guns there are people who want this to happen. Many of them now have just been reelected due to your efforts. This will be your mess. Enjoy, but leave the rest of us alone.