Old BT’s Cabaret now Pandora’s Mens Club

RicardusRex68's Avatar
On my way to DFW airport today going up 35W from Burleson, noticed that the old BT’s Cabaret (35W & Everman) that closed down early in the pandemic has new signage indicating that it will be re-opening as a Pandora’s Mens Club with BYOB and Fully Nude. No cars in parking lot around noon today. Sign says Grand Opening but no date posted.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
There is a Pandora's on 157 in the mid cities but technically in Ft. Worth. That place does not look like it gets much business so perhaps they are going to shut down and try that old BT's club to see a change in traffic?
RicardusRex68's Avatar
Looks like Pandora’s FW typically opens at 4p, so probably disregard my mention about no cars at the BT’s location around noon, assuming they will do the same there.
There is a Pandora's on 157 in the mid cities but technically in Ft. Worth. That place does not look like it gets much business so perhaps they are going to shut down and try that old BT's club to see a change in traffic? Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
actualy, the parking lot is full on weekends and often on week night. Doesn't open till 4, but is a byob club so it stays open till 4, I think? Dont usually see many cars there till nate night