Communication errors

Once upon a time I sent a lady here my references and got denied somehow I never had it happen before and I don't think I have had it happen again. The one that denied me wrote that that my references were mixed. I found out more or less what happened, one of my provider references got confused about my email address and my handle name and she had told the lady in question she did not see me. My reference who I saw later told me about it, so I asked her to call the lady that denied me and set things right. But I never heard back from the Beautiful Lady that denied me. I figure my reference never made the call.

Now a year later I was in contact via email with a well know lady that posts here quite a bit, she has an excellent reputation. But she stopped contact suddenly and has never responded again. Even though I have tried a several emails since. I tried PMs but she had her PMs disabled. I am not sure how to take it. I have been in this hobby for almost five years and never had this problem.

Could one be related to another?

Or did I suddenly make some sort of shit list I am unaware of? I have not had any other problems and I have been active, with my references being checked I just get confused.

Is there a way to work something like this out? I would love to see this lady one day.
Send her a anemail again. If she does not respond, then let it go. Its tough not knowing why, but don't compound the problem by persuing the answer too much. ( speaks from personal experience) Time is far more likly to get her over what ever the issue is if you don't bug her. it took 5 months for my former ATF just to say HI to me at a social after we had a falling out. (and i still don't know why but Hi is better than nothing and a sign of progress)
JackFlanders's Avatar
Agree with Bubba's suggestions. Nobody bats 1000 and there's always gonna be the occasional miss. Better to move on as there are just way too many great ladies out there to get stuck on one. Good luck.
I have five or six that will give me a glowing report and one that will trash me. There are two providers that I have contacted that do not respond. At what point do you stray into the stalking mode? I have dropped the requests after two and figure I will go on to others.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
If she had her Pm's disabled then something probably just came up in her real life or she is taking a break. Just check periodically to see if her account is active again .
Good luck
Guest091314's Avatar
Shit happens! There could be a million reasons but I would not think on it too much.
Plenty of fish in the sea...... go fish! Maybe she is on a break.

I know you guys are right just and thanks for the support.

Thanks especially to Shea for a very sweet PM. I could not respond to you because your PMs have been deactivated. But I would love to reply.

Thanks again.

I could not respond to you because your PMs have been deactivated. But I would love to reply.
Originally Posted by AT6Texan

Are you sure? *ahem* You may want to check again.

You're welcome!

Another thing I would suggest is letting providers you plan on using as references know that yo'u're going to be using them. It would cut down on the 'I don't know or remember him' issue. Being signed up for P411 or Date-check helps if you already aren't.

On the issue with the disappearing provider, don't assume the worst.

All the best to you!
Are you sure? *ahem* You may want to check again.

You're welcome!

. Originally Posted by Shea Veile
This very fitting for this thread! OK I tried again and this is what I get.

  1. Shea Veile has chosen not to receive private messages or may not be allowed to receive private messages. Therefore you may not send your message to him/her.

    If you are trying to send this message to multiple recipients, remove Shea Veile from the recipient list and send the message again. "
I checked Shea's settings and she is set to receive PMs. I will send her one to see which end the problem is located
Thansk, your both able tosend and receive PMs with me just fine. Texan, you might try again
Tried again with no luck!

I am about to cry there is a real irony here.

I seem to be able to PM everyone but a few select so far. Shea and maybe others I thought had their PMs shut off. With Bubba3452's suggestion I have emailed ECCIE tech support with a description of the problem. I hope they figure it out!

Shea, if you have an email or something else I can respond to I seem to be getting your PMs but I just can't send you PMs, thanks again.
LazurusLong's Avatar
Log out, clear cookies, then log back in cleanly and see if that helps. Toggling the on/off switch is always one of those old tricks programmers try when all else fails.