"Nonsmoker" on Showcase - your definition?

txhunter56's Avatar
Seems the smoking status on provider showcases is being filled out inconsistently. For many, nonsmoker means just that, she is a nonsmoker. But, I've seen showcases where the provider shows as a nonsmoker and she definitely is a smoker, sometimes heavy smoker. Do providers who are smokers think selecting nonsmoker is ok? Just because you don't smoke during a date doesn't mean you aren't a smoker.

Being a nonsmoker, myself, I would prefer the smoking status of nonsmoker mean nonsmoker all the time. What do you guys and gals think?
Bloodhound's Avatar
I totally agree. Nonsmoker should mean she does not smoke.
GASP!!! Are you saying that a provider may not tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth in her profile?

Yeah, some will shade a few years off their age, weight, or misrepresent smoking status. It's all in hopes that when you see her in person you'll spend your money anyway.

Research, research, research...

And don't be afraid to ask before hand. I recall an old hobby buddy who went to an incall where the smoke in the air was so strong it triggered an asthma attack. All her reviews stated, "Couldn't tell" for 'Smokes?'.
+1. My assumption is that a "non-smoker" is just that, someone who does not smoke at all. Maybe some are interpreting it as non-smoking during BCD activities? Seems mis-leading to me, but to give the benefit of doubt perhaps its in the interpretation. I think along the same lines as txhunter and Bloodhound though.
Nonsmoker should mean and be just that, she does not smoke, period.

As far as providers, hobbyists, anyone really, 99.9% all lie in one fashion or another on their profile. There are certain "truths" that MUST be accurate in order for me to see and go BCD with a provider, and as long as those are met, I do not care about the other stuff she may or may not be telling the entire truth on.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I agree, Non smoker should mean just that. I'm a smoker but not in session as usually states on my profile. I want others to know up front in case it bothers them or if they are allergic to it, at least they have a choice that way.
I go waaaaay out of my way to not smoke at my place or smell like it but I know the smell could still be there so I would rather be up front and honest about it.
Some people are just not honest.

Nonsmoker = Does not smoke. There is no in between.
Boltfan's Avatar
I am with BigDog on this one. Smoke is a carcinogen and frankly should not be something that can be "fudged" in the details. I am pretty allergic to cigarette smoke so if it is around in any small way I will detect it and it will likely get me sick the next day. And ladies should note their profiles if any partner (lady, pimp, allowing clients to smoke, etc.) that hangs at their incall is allowed to smoke if they personally don't. Noting non-smoker should indicate a smoke free enviroment.

I have and would demand a refund and walk in a case of mistruth on this particular subject. Most other areas I can deal with, not this one.
Boltfan, what about drinking? How do you feel if she has a couple (13) vodka cranberries?

Ha ha ha ha ha

I need to cum checkout this next casino Night. I hope it's in October, it's always my lucky month!!
Hey I quit, so non smoker means non (cigarette) smoker.

Does drug free mean no Advil? Probably not. Does smoke free mean ENTIRELY smoke free? Not always.

What anybody does for recreation is their own damn biz and another matter entirely. However cigarettes stink and will kill you, so you probably shouldn't. Only takes one trip to the emergency room feet first to figure that one out.
One additional thought came to mind later today. If I were to come home to the SO after a session smelling like smoke - not good and not much explanation that would result in only extreme suspicion! So, to the others out there, if you went to a session and walked in smelling the smoke - knowing that you and your clothes are going to leave smelling like smoke, would you go ahead and stay or leave. Ladies, if you had stated that you were non-smoking and had someone leave shortly after arrrival because of this, would you still expect funds and would you post a negative remark about him in the alerts or powder room?
It reminds me of the famous line under oath "it depends on what the word 'sex' means" and/or "I did not have 'sex' with that woman"...
You hit a sore spot for me with this one. Non-smoker means just that: she doesn't smoke. It gets me when I see so many with the 'non-smoker' claim with cigarettes AND ash trays on the bed or the nightstand beside them. Yes, they COULD be someone else's, but.....
TexTushHog's Avatar
I think it should actually mean "tobacco and nicotine free" for a week or more. First, not just smoking, but nicotine inhalers, spit, dip, etc. Next, this I quit this morning shit doesn't cut it. Or "I don't smoke during the day." The stench of cigarettes hangs about a person for days and days.
Boltfan's Avatar
Boltfan, what about drinking? How do you feel if she has a couple (13) vodka cranberries?

Ha ha ha ha ha

I need to cum checkout this next casino Night. I hope it's in October, it's always my lucky month!! Originally Posted by ItalianaPrincess
I will always be there to let you drink all you like. So long as there are no other fools around also buying you drinks we are all good. I know how to make sure you pace yourself