An alternative to the Fort Worth review forum idea

Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
I've noticed that in my browser (Firefox), when I hover over a review's Subject line, I get a small pop-up with the first few lines of the review visible. This, for example, is what I see when I hover over my most recent review:

Date: mid-January
Provider: Emily
Phone: 682-710-2207
E-mail address: NA
URL / Wesbite: ...

In some, but not all cases, I can see the city, as well:
City: Fort Worth

In other words, the number of lines and amount of text that I can see vary, and, because it's farther down on the review form, when the number of lines is limited to five or fewer, I can't see the city without clicking on the link. And that revisits the old complaint -- having a separate Fort Worth review forum -- that won't get anywhere.

Would it be possible, and would TPTB be inclined, to modify the Review template so that City was higher, e.g.:
E-mail address:
URL / Web site:

While I'd still prefer a playground where the Fort Worth kids can play by ourselves, I think that might address the issue of not being able to determine geographic compatibility without opening the review
Geeman76's Avatar
Good Idea