Time to expose the real liar

She absolutely did/does... I sent you the link. You choose
to ignore those facts.
I screen grabbed 5 different ads, all with her name....full name,
REAL full name ...in the ad. You pretend the link didn't work so you can cry foul ...
boo hoo hoo Originally Posted by Loki Pk

Not since the days of GP has a mod gone so far out of his way to get members
that he doesn't like..... pointed
and banned.

Since Loki will be pointing people for going off topic in the Alert Thread "Sting", I'll
start this thread so that you can all get caught up on what your mod is up to.

And of course, the reason this was happening in the "Sting" Alert thread is because
Loki "disappeared" the coed "SAB??" thread. Oh the tangled web he weaves.

And it is important to bring this out now as Loki has just called me a LIAR in
the Alert Thread, and will point me for going "off tpoic" should I be dumb enough to reply to
him there. Like I said, not since the days of GP.....

So ther is no doubt, here is the quote that leads to this Brand New Thread:
Now Pauly and OSD digress to outright lying to make yourselves
look cool?
That's really sad fellas. I tolerated your bullshit cause I thought you guys were
just trolling to be funny, but now I see you two in a whole new light.

PK Originally Posted by Loki Pk
Dear Sir Loki --
It is and has been your contention that you sent me a link to an ad by SAB,
in which you say that she uses her real first and last name. We both know that this
ad does NOT have her real first and last name. If the ad DID say that, you'd have
posted that link here. But you won't, because it does not support your claim.
Seems you want ME to maybe post that link? I'm NOT going to fall into any trap that YOU
are trying to set.

What I CAN do is post the screenshot of that ad here. That is how sure I am that
the ad does NOT contain her real name.

For any of you that need MORE confirmation.... feel free to PM me, and I'll
forward to you the actual linck that Loki pm'd to me, which will PROVE that the screenshot
posted here is indeed from the link he sent.
Attached Images File Type: jpg sab ad.jpg (64.7 KB, 457 views)
offshoredrilling's Avatar
and outing the lady himself WTF
Why don’t you guys crawl back under the rock from whence you came! Please!!!
TreeBark's Avatar
Couldn't agree more Vito! But the more attention we give them this is what they do
We should all ignore them and let their points get them booted.
Good idea.
FlyboyNY's Avatar
Again I must add that is why our country is f'd. Too many guys willing to tuck their balls and fall into line. From what I can determine they have repeatedly asked for him to post the information that he says exists. If it exists why not show it and bring an end to it. Simple

On another note I sure do miss that girl.
Loki Pk's Avatar
You can’t have it both ways pauly...
post the full link for all to see, it’s either outing or it’s not.
We all know that link in that ad goes to her Facebook page.
She posted it.... nobody else did .. she did.
Search the number and you will find even more evidence of her advertising with her real name.

As far as the other thread goes, I took the advice of a former admin here... who I believe knows policy and procedure better than I could ever hope to... if you believed the info in that shitbird thread was really outing, then it went exactly where it belongs.

Or is your hipocracy tripping you up again?
You guys need to stop picking on Pauly and Offshore. Yes, sometimes they troll
a bit, but look at all their contributions to this board in terms of reviews. Pauly did write a review late last summer, and Offshore has written dozens of reviews on the same chick, some of which go back to the last decade. So come on guys, cut these guys some slack!
TreeBark's Avatar
WJ, right on. Lofl
Trolls who have NO lives
You can’t have it both ways pauly...
post the full link for all to see, it’s either outing or it’s not.
We all know that link in that ad goes to her Facebook page. Originally Posted by Loki Pk
Loki -- like I said, YOU have the link -- YOU post it. As we can all see by the screen shot -- her name is NOT in the ad. EVERY time you say that it is -- you repeat the lie.
Folks -- ask Loki to pm you the link. When you click on it, you will see the screenshot. You will NOT see SAB's real name.
offshoredrilling's Avatar

As far as the other thread goes, I took the advice of a former admin here... who I believe knows policy and procedure better than I could ever hope to... if you believed the info in that shitbird thread was really outing, then it went exactly where it belongs.

Pk Originally Posted by Loki Pk
and covers your ass. LOL fucking awesome
as I would miss are mmmmm debates eh

mmmm I'm almost broke till 03-24-2018
well I can't be a sheep, so I hope the ban is worth it. mmmm like my other times
TreeBark's Avatar
Funny I got the link today. And no, I won't share with you scum buzzards. Go away
And her BP ads are now gone where she clearly had her fb name her real name. Continue with your crusade.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Funny I got the link today. And no, I won't share with you scum buzzards. Go away
And her BP ads are now gone where she clearly had her fb name her real name. Continue with your crusade. Originally Posted by TreeBark
#5 - Outing or threats of outing are taken seriously. Membership here is anonymous and for the privacy of our members it will remain that way. That means any effort or attempt to connect a person's real world information to their username on this board will be dealt with swiftly and harshly. This includes real names, employment, medical info, addresses past or present, images, criminal or driving record, etc. We expect everyone who participates here to respect and go to great lengths to protect the anonymity and privacy of one another. Reckless disregard or accidental outing will also be taken very seriously.

if you can read. its not just the name that was outed
but that is gone now also
so say I'm lying and lets play point out
I got 20 ta start right now. just saying
I saw the ad and the link too.
Funny I got the link today. And no, I won't share with you scum buzzards. Go away
And her BP ads are now gone where she clearly had her fb name her real name. Continue with your crusade. Originally Posted by TreeBark
The link that Loki sent me is the screenshot that I posted.
And he is lying when he says that she posted her real name in that ad.
It's THAT Simple.
But I certainly don't expect everyone to be able to follow along.