MSM Blames Tea Party for Aurora "Batman" Shooting

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
In keeping with the Chicago tradition of "never let a disaster go to waste", Obamaton syncophants in the mainstream media lost no time in using the horrific shooting at the "Batman" premiere in Aurora, Colorado, to promote the campaign of President Obama.

These people have lost the right to be called journalists. Their reprehensible behavior should get them fired. What a bunch of smug, obnoxious bastards.

In the meantime, intelligent, thoughtful people are sending their thoughts, prayers and well wishes to the victims and those who love them.
Pathetic. That is why I dropped cable tv......
i figured it wasn't sarah palin any more as she isnt running...i was thinking surely it was romney or rubio or maybe christie's fault set up by the atmosphere created by bush.... but maybe they know something and maybe it was the tea party
In keeping with the Chicago tradition of "never let a disaster go to waste", Obamaton syncophants in the mainstream media lost no time in using the horrific shooting at the "Batman" premiere in Aurora, Colorado, to promote the campaign of President Obama.

These people have lost the right to be called journalists. Their reprehensible behavior should get them fired. What a bunch of smug, obnoxious bastards.

In the meantime, intelligent, thoughtful people are sending their thoughts, prayers and well wishes to the victims and those who love them. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Thanks for clarifying this I thought it was some fucked up idiot with a grudge....
LovingKayla's Avatar
Before the left comes on this, I'd like to point out that there were dozens of guys with that exact name, in that exact city, and they just happen to have found one in the tea party (first name jim, not james btw.) I thought it was news organizations to report the NEWS and not to speculate or commentate. They ought to be embarrassed at this.

Not one guy with that name they have brought out is actually the one that did it. That is truly pathetic.
That's right Kayla, news organizations need to report the news, not to speculate or comment. That's why we have opinion shows, just like the ones at Fox News (which ought to be renamed Fox Opinion Channel).

Tragedies should not be exploited for political gain, period, in fact, it should be penalized and criminalized. But of course, our lovely politicians will do whatever it takes to get ahead (regardless of party, of course).
joe bloe's Avatar
Bill Clinton told a journalist that the Oklahoma City bombing in April of 1995, guaranteed his re-election. After the bombing, Clinton immediately started saying that conservatives had created an atmosphere of hatred towards the federal government that caused Timothy McVeigh to bomb the Murrah Federal Building. Clinton specifically named Rush Limbaugh as someone who was fanning the flames of hatred and creating an atmosphere of violence.

Ever since the bombing in Oklahoma City, the left has desperately been trying to portray conservatives as potentially violent. We saw this in the media's reaction to the shooting of Congresswoman Gabby Giffords in Arizona. The press immediately announced that the shooter was a right winger. They had to drop that story line; but the immediate response was to portray him as a right wing nut.

The news media knows that the initial impression created by a false story is never completely negated by the retraction. That's why ABC news was perfectly willing to engage in rumor mongering, instead of news coverage, in the Colorado killings. By trying to connect the mass murder in Colorado, to the Tea Party, based on essentially nothing, ABC News has demonstrated that they are nothing but left wing political hacks masquerading as journalists. They should be ashamed.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Keep in mind that George Stephanopolis in connected to both events. It was he who ran the Clinton response to OKC and now he is leading the team that tried to connect the Aurora killer with the Tea Party.

ABC has apologized for what they tried to do but do you forgive someone who purposely went out of their way to hurt you?

I have to float this idea though, this former medical student burdened under the weight of student loans, listening to the OWS movement, and getting message of class warfare.... see how easy that was.
joe bloe's Avatar
Keep in mind that George Stephanopolis in connected to both events. It was he who ran the Clinton response to OKC and now he is leading the team that tried to connect the Aurora killer with the Tea Party.

ABC has apologized for what they tried to do but do you forgive someone who purposely went out of their way to hurt you?

I have to float this idea though, this former medical student burdened under the weight of student loans, listening to the OWS movement, and getting message of class warfare.... see how easy that was. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
If John Holmes turns out to be a registered Democrat, that has maxed out his contributions to Obama, ABC News will see no significance to his politics. They'll attribute his actions to a mental health issue, having nothing to do with political ideology.

On the other hand, if he does turn out to be conservative, the news media will beat us to death, with the story line that conservative politics is driving people to violence.

Main stream media is a propaganda machine for the Democrat Party.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The guy portrayed himself as Batman's nemesis, the Joker. He even was dressed like him at the time of the shooting.
joe bloe's Avatar
The guy portrayed himself as Batman's nemesis, the Joker. He even was dressed like him at the time of the shooting. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Maybe he's Doove.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-20-2012, 11:53 AM
In keeping with the Chicago tradition of "never let a disaster go to waste", Obamaton syncophants in the mainstream media lost no time in using the horrific shooting at the "Batman" premiere in Aurora, Colorado, to promote the campaign of President Obama.

These people have lost the right to be called journalists. Their reprehensible behavior should get them fired. What a bunch of smug, obnoxious bastards.

In the meantime, intelligent, thoughtful people are sending their thoughts, prayers and well wishes to the victims and those who love them. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

why not keep it fair?

first, the title of this thread is typical COF bullshit .. noboby blamed the TP

second, Ross (from the article) said they didnt know if it was the same person

third, all you need to do is read the article and be able to understand what you read
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
ABC identified the shooter as "possibly" being a member of the Colorado Tea Party despite all the other Jim Holmes in the Denver area. Sounds like they wanted to make the connection to me. Also absolutely abominable journalism. Ross and Skippy should both be suspended for running with the story before fact checking.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
But they had to make the association, CBJ7. They had to say, "We don't know if he was Tea Party or not." Why not say, "We don't know if he subscribes to, or not." There was the same amount of evidence for either statement, but they had to immediately paint the perpetrator as a possible member of an opposing political view. It was not necessary. It was not accurate. The only purpose for even bringing it up it was to place their political opponents in a bad light.

It is reprehensible. They should be fired.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-20-2012, 12:07 PM
Im not defending anyone from any media source but COF damn sure skewed the wording to suit his agenda .. some call that stupid, some call it lie, Im sure he would blame it on his glasses

the title of the Beeerfart article says POINTS TO not balmes

and from the article

There's a Jim Holmes of Aurora, Colorado, page on the Colorado Tea party site as well, talking about him joining the Tea Party last year. Now, we don't know if this is the same Jim Holmes. But it's Jim Holmes of Aurora, Colorado.

maybe the TP earned the stigma when they decided to carry all those cute little "Next time I'll come armed" signs to their public events ............