No, I dont ... Wait,Yes, I do

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-21-2012, 02:28 PM

1994: In his unsuccessful challenge to liberal Democratic Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, Romney sounds moderate on guns, supporting an assault weapons ban and insisting, "I don't line up with the NRA."

2002: Running for governor of Massachusetts, Romney says he supports and will protect the state's "tough gun laws." The NRA gives his Democratic opponent a higher rating on gun-rights issues and makes no endorsement in the race.

2003: As governor, Romney upsets gun owners by signing a law that quadruples the state's gun-licensing fee — from $25 to $100 — as part of a widespread effort to eliminate the budget deficit.

2004: Romney signs a Massachusetts ban on assault weapons. He mollifies many gun rights advocates by coupling it with looser rules on gun licenses and an extension of the duration of licenses, reducing the effect of the earlier fee increase.

2005: Declares May 7 as "Right to Bear Arms Day" in Massachusetts.

2006: As he prepares for his first presidential run, Romney becomes a lifetime NRA member.

2007: While campaigning, Romney declares he sometimes hunts "small varmints" — a comment ridiculed by some as an awkward attempt to pander to pro-gun voters.

2008: In a Republican primary debate, Romney says he would have signed the federal assault weapons ban if it came to his desk as president, but he opposes any new gun legislation.

2011: Making his second presidential bid, Romney's campaigns on a promise to protect and promote the Second Amendment.

2012: Romney tells gun owners that Obama wants to erode their rights. "We need a president who will enforce current laws, not create new ones that only serve to burden lawful gun owners," Romney told the National Rifle Association's annual convention. "President Obama has not. I will."

that boy is nuckin' futs ...
2012: Romney tells gun owners that Obama wants to erode their rights. "We need a president who will enforce current laws, not create new ones that only serve to burden lawful gun owners," Romney told the National Rifle Association's annual convention. "President Obama has not. I will." Originally Posted by CJ7
What has Obama done to erode gun owner rights? My lib friends frequently complain that he hasn't done anything!

After the Batman massacre, I think Colorado will swing strongly for Obama, just on the premise that he might make a move regarding the type of rifle used and or large magazine. Versus Romney who if he does anything would go the other way.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Romney = "B"

Odumbo = "F"
Oh, OK. He wants to.

My bad.
If you need a thirty round clip to shoot a deer you need to brush up on your skills.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-21-2012, 08:17 PM
Romney = "B"

Odumbo = "F" Originally Posted by I B Hankering

1. Read the title of the thread
2.Read the content of the thread
3.Read my final comment
4. Below are three options
5.Choose an option you think best suits the thread

A) Romney doesnt know which side of the table hes on
B) Romney doesnt know which side of the table hes on
C) Romney doesnt know which side of the table hes on

Choose wisely Grasshoppa' ....
I B Hankering's Avatar
. . . blah, blah, blah. Originally Posted by CJ7

Read how the NRA rates both candidates:

Romney = "B"

Odumbo = "F"
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
1. Read the title of the thread
2.Read the content of the thread
3.Read my final comment
4. Below are three options
5.Choose an option you think best suits the thread

A) Romney doesnt know which side of the table hes on
B) Romney doesnt know which side of the table hes on
C) Romney doesnt know which side of the table hes on

Choose wisely Grasshoppa' .... Originally Posted by CJ7

Can I answer? I choose "all of the above".
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Lets see...I have to chose between Romney and Obama based solely on their stand on gun control. Romney doesn't know what to believe (according to some people) and Obama belongs to a party that has the abolition of gun rights as an unofficial part of their party platform. I have to look at Chicago and Illinois. Do you know that 37 states have concealed carry and Illinois is not one of them. In fact Chicago discourages gun owership (how the hell do so many people get shot is beyond me) by not signing off on gun purchase permits despite judges telling they have to.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
But JD, when Romney does it, he spits on the Constitution. When Obama does it, it's for our own good.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
So who you gonna vote for COG?

Here's a clue -- it won't matter.

Start stocking up on canned goods now!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Between Obama and Romney, there are negligible differences, and I will only vote for Romney if Kansas becomes a battleground state.

Otherwise, I will be voting for Gary Johnson.

The problem with hoarding food and precious metals for the coming disaster is that when the disaster hits, you will suddenly become the most popular person in town.
joe bloe's Avatar
So who you gonna vote for COG?

Here's a clue -- it won't matter.

Start stocking up on canned goods now! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Go with the freeze dried, longer shelf life.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-22-2012, 12:10 AM

Read how the NRA rates both candidates:

Romney = "B"

Odumbo = "F" Originally Posted by I B Hankering

its not about gun legislation

even with instructions your a total failure

the point is

(drum roll)

Romney is a flip flopping lil bitch.

but since you insist, riddle me this

when does a fucking grade from the NRA trump the 2nd amendment?

as an NRA member I say if Romney is stupid enugh to play lets make a deal with the constitution he should be removed from politics and have his legislation shoved up his ass.

Obie may have talked about gun legislation but he never PASSED legislation that BANS guns of any kind .... Unike Ronmey.

theres your diference.

2010: The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence gives Obama a grade of "F'' for failing to push even the gun restrictions he supported while campaigning.

look it up IB
I B Hankering's Avatar
its not about gun legislation

even with instructions your a total failure

the point is

(drum roll)

Romney is a flip flopping lil bitch.

but since you insist, riddle me this

when does a fucking grade from the NRA trump the 2nd amendment?

as an NRA member I say if Romney is stupid enugh to play lets make a deal with the constitution he should be removed from politics and have his legislation shoved up his ass. Originally Posted by CJ7

Both candidates have a record regarding 2nd Amendment rights. Odumbo's record in the Illinois earned him an "F" rating from the NRA (suggest you use Odumbo's legislation in your next proctological exam). The other candidate received a "B"; not perfect, but much more) preferable to the bozo from Chicago.

Romney = "B"

Odumbo = "F"