Well, At Least He's Not Blaming Bush This Time

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Nope, state and local governments, along with Congress are to blame for the record high unemployment rate among African-Americans.

From the article: [Obama speaking] I’ll put my track record up against anybody in terms of us putting in place broad-based programs that ultimately had a huge benefit for African American businesses.

Quite a record, at that.


JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Hispanic unemployment is higher than under George Bush.
College graduates unemployment is higher than under George Bush.
Young people unemployment is higher than under George Bush.
Black unemployment is higher than under George Bush.
That is a record to be proud of I guess.
It's Bushes fault....feel better cog???
Hispanic unemployment is higher than under George Bush.
College graduates unemployment is higher than under George Bush.
Young people unemployment is higher than under George Bush.
Black unemployment is higher than under George Bush.
That is a record to be proud of I guess. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You forget that the policies bush instituted and others that he tolerated
Led to the current downturn in the economy .
Started just before the elections.
To make that comparison is misleading.

Come on JD . Even you know better .

That's like reporting on a fire . You'd be saying the firemen couldn't put it out
Fast enough. It's their fault and NOT the guy with the gas can and matches.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So, how exactly has Obama been putting out this fire? He keeps on with the policies Bush started.
If someone wishes to invoke a comparison involving negligence and firefighters, here's a better one:

The management of a large apartment complex carelessly pays no attention to a number of high-risk practices conducted by tenants, resulting in a fire that destroys a number of units.

Unfortunately, the firemen who arrive at the scene are untrained and staggeringly incompetent. After they quickly appear to have put out the fire, a number of them go before the cameras and boast of their "heroic actions" to a small group of on-the-scene reporters.

Since the reporters (and most of the news report's viewers) know little about firefighting, they think all is well.

But what went unnoticed is that the self-idolizing, incompetent firefighters failed to douse most of the smoldering embers, thus setting the stage for an even larger, more destructive fire.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-08-2012, 09:07 AM
If someone wishes to invoke a comparison involving negligence and firefighters, here's a better one:

The management of a large apartment complex carelessly pays no attention to a number of high-risk practices conducted by tenants, resulting in a fire that destroys a number of units.

Unfortunately, the firemen who arrive at the scene are untrained and staggeringly incompetent. After they quickly appear to have put out the fire, a number of them go before cameras and boast of their "heroic actions" to a small group of on-the-scene reporters.

Since the reporters (and most of the news report's viewers) know little about firefighting, they think all is well.

But what went unnoticed is that the self-idolizing, incompetent firefighters failed to douse most of the smoldering embers, thus setting the stage for an even larger, more destructive fire. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Spot on CM, all these bailout remind me of this line...

Mortimer Brewster: Look, you can't do things like that! Now, I don't know how I can explain this to you. But, it's not only against the law, its wrong!
Martha Brewster: Oh, piffle!
Mortimer Brewster: It's not a nice thing to do. People wouldn't understand. He wouldn't understand. What I mean is... Well... This is developing into a very bad habit!

Here is another good one...a metaphor for government if you will:
Mortimer Brewster: Look I probably should have told you this before but you see... well... insanity runs in my family... It practically gallops.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Okay, UB you're called. Prove what you say...

In the mean time look up the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 and then tell me it was Bush policies that lead up to the melt down.
joe bloe's Avatar
If someone wishes to invoke a comparison involving negligence and firefighters, here's a better one:

The management of a large apartment complex carelessly pays no attention to a number of high-risk practices conducted by tenants, resulting in a fire that destroys a number of units.

Unfortunately, the firemen who arrive at the scene are untrained and staggeringly incompetent. After they quickly appear to have put out the fire, a number of them go before the cameras and boast of their "heroic actions" to a small group of on-the-scene reporters.

Since the reporters (and most of the news report's viewers) know little about firefighting, they think all is well.

But what went unnoticed is that the self-idolizing, incompetent firefighters failed to douse most of the smoldering embers, thus setting the stage for an even larger, more destructive fire. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
I'd say the better analogy is that there's a bad fire in an apartment complex. The fire chief informs everyone that he is going to try something different, because of the unique nature of the fire; he's going to use gasoline instead of water.

The fire gets much worse. The fire chief says, trust me this will work; we just need to keep putting gasoline on it till it goes out. Eventually the fire department burns down the whole city, which was the fire chief's intention all along.

Spending more, in order to keep from going bankrupt is madness. We don't need to raise taxes. We need to cut federal spending. This isn't rocket science.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-08-2012, 01:24 PM
Id say for one president to remove policies set in place by another president is far more than difficult

Spending more, in order to keep from going bankrupt is madness. We don't need to raise taxes. We need to cut federal spending. This isn't rocket science.

for starters, tell Romney he doesnt need to raise taxes on 95% of the tax payers ...

if the government doesnt spend, and the people arent spending, where does that leave the business sector in general ? ... fucked thats where.

all this yammering about cutting federal spending is another touchy subject thats easier to say than do .. what happend to state budgets when they cant fall back on federal $$ ... the costs of living in said states increase, and the state residents are fucked.

the Ron Paul statement comes to mind... "Ill cut the deficit 1 trillion dollars" ... or something like that.

you really want to see the country land on its face in the dirt? then cut 1 trillion bucks out of the picture.

for the record, stimulus spending isnt a long term fix
If someone wishes to invoke a comparison involving negligence and firefighters, here's a better one:

The management of a large apartment complex carelessly pays no attention to a number of high-risk practices conducted by tenants, resulting in a fire that destroys a number of units.

Unfortunately, the firemen who arrive at the scene are untrained and staggeringly incompetent. After they quickly appear to have put out the fire, a number of them go before the cameras and boast of their "heroic actions" to a small group of on-the-scene reporters.

Since the reporters (and most of the news report's viewers) know little about firefighting, they think all is well.

But what went unnoticed is that the self-idolizing, incompetent firefighters failed to douse most of the smoldering embers, thus setting the stage for an even larger, more destructive fire. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Excellent analogy. I'll add another layer.
The fireman on the hose screaming for help .
All he needs is some water turned on( prez).
The valve man( R- congress) says" I don't like where you want to spray,therefore I will not open valve (bipartisanship) even a little.
I don't care because I'll blame the guy on the hose for being wrong "

"That's surely better than trying something I'm not sure of"
"Let's let the house burn".
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Ah, yes. Good analogy, UB. That goes along with what the people said in 2010. They elected a new congress to tell the President "You are putting water on the wrong house!" But Obama insists that he has the right one, even though the people have informed him otherwise.
UB, your last comparison assumes that the fireman is actually calling for water, which if applied in sufficient quantity and in the proper location would effectively douse the smoldering embers. What if he's calling for some other liquid which would fail to put out the fire?

If I may engage in a little "metaphor-shifting", the Obama administration has acted like a quack doctor calling on us to pay for expensive treatments that will do nothing to properly heal the patient.

CJ7 noted that ill-considered "stimulus spending" isn't a long term fix. Well, no. But it isn't much of a short-term fix, either! At no time in history have such fiscal stimulus efforts propelled a nation to greater prosperity by means of that magic "fiscal multiplier" claimed by their supporters. It involves economic doctrine that's been discredited time and time again by a reasoned look at history, but lives on since it provides the intellectual underpinning desired by those who do what politicians love to do best -- buy votes with other people's money.

Another complete failure is Dodd-Frank, which does nothing about TBTF and very little about most of the other risks inherent in the financial system. It's about 2,300 pages of arcane legalese -- little more than a "crony capitalist shuffle." It's far worse for the smaller community banks than for largest institutions, whose lobbyists had considerable input in desiging something that's mostly window dressing.

In short, nothing has been fixed. No one has even made any serious effort to fix anything.

It's all for show, and it's all about politics.