Obama Double-Crossed Kennedy Family

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Even Caroline is calling Obama a "liar, and worse."

The Kennedy's are catching on to who Obama is, why can't the rest of you Obamazombies see the truth?

It will be interesting to see how the media plays this book bait up..........

The Kennedy's are a dispicable Klan; but useful to expose Obama (and Queen Michelle).
What WW said. Way to go! The Cult of Personality spurned those that got him there. I'll bet the press ignores it.................unless..... .............they are feeling it too. It only takes one or two to break ranks and then the whole damn breaks................
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-08-2012, 11:57 AM
gee, the right has always bashed the Kennedys over the head with anything they can find, and now theyre upset because Obie wasnt polite to a Kennedy?

anyway, Newsmax wants you to buy the book.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I think it's funny when the Royal Democrat Family calls their President a "liar and worse." They would know before the rest of us.

Besides, I liked JFK and Bobby.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
It is more than the Kennedys CJ, it is all of us that are not his supporters but are still citizens. A group of black ministers sent a letter to George Bush requesting a meeting. They numbered 30 but they got the meeting. The White House contacted them over several initiatives for the next eight years. Many things they disagreed on but the communication and respect was there. This same group, now numbering over 3000, sent the same letter to Obama and they are still waiting for an answer. It is about respect. Obama drives a four wheel drive bus so he can throw people under it after he is done with them.
JFK treated women like trash; he wasn't much better than a pimp in Brooks Brothers haberdashery..........but I digress, if Caroline is willing to slime Obama I am in full support.
There you have it folks The Kennedys are crap,but we support them if they are against Obama...
The enemy of my enemy is my friend; look at this WWII picture and you get the idea Ekim....

Legitmate question: Obama is destroying the Democratic Party (and America)..........his radical politics were rejected by the American public in the 2010 mid-terms and subsequent special elections.....he will be voted out after one term.........in 2013 the American economy will quickly gather steam, then Americans will ask themselves :

Why did we waste 4 years on Obama ?

The Kennedy's are catching on to who Obama is, why can't the rest of you Obamazombies see the truth?

http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/oba...6/07/id/441622 Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I think it's funny when the Royal Democrat Family calls their President a "liar and worse." They would know before the rest of us. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I'm no Kennedy fan, but that pretty much sums it up.

Besides, I liked JFK and Bobby. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Who knows what their true legacy would have been. LBJ stood on that said legacy to get some of the most sweeping social legislation passed in the history of the United States. Unfortunately, Vietnam will taint all their legacy until a hundred years or so from now.

Unfortunately for us, Obama has no respect for anything other than his own hubris.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-08-2012, 01:58 PM
well, if anything, Newsmax ran an ad to sell a book

I seriously hope Olivia isnt the editor.
I B Hankering's Avatar
[T]he last time Wright saw Obama was during the 2008 campaign, when candidate Obama made a secret visit to Wright at Trinity United Church of Christ to “beg” his long-time pastor not to give any more speeches or sermons. Klein said he has Wright on tape charging that the Obamas’ friend, Eric Whitaker, sent an email offering $150,000 for Wright’s silence until after the election. Wright refused. There’s an “irreparable breach” between them, says Klein, who adds that Wright told him that after the election, the pastor is planning on writing his own account of his relationship with the president.

Michelle Obama's 'jealousy' and 'resentment' led to rift with Oprah
How two of America’s most powerful women grew to despise each other

It soon became apparent that something had gone wrong between Oprah and the new administration — or, more precisely, between Oprah and Michelle Obama.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend; look at this WWII picture and you get the idea Ekim....

Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Politics makes strange bedfellows.....
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-08-2012, 07:45 PM
It will be interesting to see how the media plays this book bait up..........

The Kennedy's are a dispicable Klan; but useful to expose Obama (and Queen Michelle). Originally Posted by Whirlaway
WTF would they be exposing?

That Obama did not kiss their ass after he won?

Don't you people read the links? This is the jest of the article:

Like Oprah Winfrey, Caroline Kennedy is among the high-profile Democrats who have been “largely frozen out of the White House,” in part due to protective senior adviser Valerie Jarrett, Klein discloses.

Here is a related article explaining wtf the Kennedy's are crying about.


Just so, the president does not think people should expect too much in return for paying $35,800 for an hour of his time, as they did at the Weinstein affair, or in return for other favors