white guilt reparations - I thought this was a joke

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
  • DSK
  • 07-30-2016, 07:00 AM
http://www.infowars.com/new-reparati...e-their-guilt/ Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
It is fucking hilarious - if any cute young black girl needs a massage for reparations, I'll give it to her!.

Nevertheless, we should pay off the African-Americans and eliminate affirmative action/quotas/diversity in return.

Print the money!!!
If i had owned any I would remembered, so fuck 'em .....guilt free.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It is fucking hilarious - if any cute young black girl needs a massage for reparations, I'll give it to her!.

Nevertheless, we should pay off the African-Americans and eliminate affirmative action/quotas/diversity in return.

Print the money!!! Originally Posted by DSK
Only if she's a sex slave, right JL?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
If I am responsible for reparations I will gladly pay for those that can prove I had anything to do with their personal enslavement, I will gladly pay for a one way ticket in the hold of a ship back to where they believe their roots are.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
If I am responsible for reparations I will gladly pay for those that can prove I had anything to do with their personal enslavement, I will gladly pay for a one way ticket in the hold of a ship back to where they believe their roots are. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Now you want to deport the Neeegros?

Way to go, pup! You've shattered the ceiling on racism.

Guest123018-4's Avatar
Nope, have no issue with Negroes and no interest in deporting them.
You failed to read my post with any comprehension as usual.
No issue3 with Chinese either or American Indians.

I do not believe in slavery of any kind and really do not agree with the Democrats policies that enslave so many people into poverty at the hand of the government.

The point you fail to realize is that there is not a single person in the United States that has been harmed by enslavement that ended over 150 years ago. The only harm today to those ancestors of slaves is at the hand of our Democrats in government that work so hard to keep them down to a level that they can just barely make it day to day.
  • DSK
  • 07-30-2016, 04:11 PM
Nope, have no issue with Negroes and no interest in deporting them.
You failed to read my post with any comprehension as usual.
No issue3 with Chinese either or American Indians.

I do not believe in slavery of any kind and really do not agree with the Democrats policies that enslave so many people into poverty at the hand of the government.

The point you fail to realize is that there is not a single person in the United States that has been harmed by enslavement that ended over 150 years ago. The only harm today to those ancestors of slaves is at the hand of our Democrats in government that work so hard to keep them down to a level that they can just barely make it day to day. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
You nailed it, and as a bonus, you completely humiliated Assup.

Hopefully, the little faggot will go down to the glory hole's with his liberal Austin buddies and try to convince them that getting a man's dick in your ass is biologically unsound..but I'm not optimistic about him giving up on his gay lifestyle....
goodman0422's Avatar
Why do people only talk about reparations to black people? I thought reparations were supposed to be for former slaves (or their descendants). Would white descendants of former slaves qualify? What about the black descendants of former slave owners and traders?