Encounter: Carol at Exotic Latinas

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Date: 06/14/2021
Name: Carol
Phone: 713-534-4440
Email Address: -
URL / Website: https://home.ourhome2.net/member.php...Exotic-latinas
City: Houston
State: Texas
Address: Galleria Area
Activities: See ROS (thanks again to Bearmintchocolate for the hookup with EL)
Hair Length and Color: Medium, Black
Age: 20s
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Hispanic
Physical Description: See ROS
Recommendation: Yes
What’s with the price at this place? Pre pandemic weren’t they 160, that’s a 37% increase. Are they now approaching Indy &?
atanion's Avatar
What’s with the price at this place? Pre pandemic weren’t they 160, that’s a 37% increase. Are they now approaching Indy &? Originally Posted by fakename79

I'm a pretty new customer of Exotic Latinas, but, yeah, it's my understanding that the hourly price used to be a lot less. I guess it's supply and demand.

Alexa is a far better value for money than Carol. I hope prices go back down when the pandemic eases and they get more traffic.
atanion's Avatar
What’s with the price at this place? Pre pandemic weren’t they 160, that’s a 37% increase. Are they now approaching Indy &? Originally Posted by fakename79

I'm a pretty new customer of Exotic Latinas, but, yeah, it's my understanding that the hourly price used to be a lot less. I guess it's supply and demand.

Alexa is a far better value for money than Carol. I hope prices go back down when the pandemic eases and they get more traffic.