I will bet you $10,000...........

I wonder if 'Snow White' Romney is now wiling to bet $10,000 that he lost the Republican nomination last night!

Perhaps another Republican candidate has bit the dust!

I've said for years that Romney just can't win. He just doesn't have "it." And, in his case, I don't even know what "it" is. He just doesn't have it. That's all.

I agree. Stupid move. Stupid, stupid move.
Up until last nights debate, Romney had a solid 23-25% of the overall support for the Republican nomination. No matter who the flavor of the day happened to be (Perry, Bachman, Cain and now Gingrich have all had their turn), Romney's support always remained stable. The rest have been up and down like a yo-yo. We should know within a few days if Romney's support will now start to erode like the rest of them.

This whole Republican nomination process has been a comedy of errors from the very beginning! Newt set the stage earlier this year with the terrible start to his campaign. And then Bachman tried to do even worse, followed by Perry (I believe Perry's was the worst of all) and then Cain (who did his best to out dumb, Perry). And now because there is nobody else to turn to, the Republican's seemed to have turned to Newt's again. Go figure! In all of my years of following Presidential politics, I can honestly say, I have never seen a worse group of Presidential candidates!

They are truly, Snow White (Romney) and the Seven Drawfs!
double post!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
This bunch would be funny if they weren't serious. We are in trouble!
This bunch would be funny if they weren't serious. We are in trouble! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Marshy errrrrrr Cog, you and I are in agreement!
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Presidential debates are like walking a tightrope.

You need sure footing and even a tiny slip can cost you dearly.

I remember years back when President Bush Sr made the mistake of briefly glancing at his watch towards the end of his debate. That gaffe was talked about for weeks!

Making a $10,000 bet does not seem Presidential.

It seems more like something a blue-collar worker would say to a coworker after drinking a beer too many and wanting to sound "macho".

. . . This error in judgment will cost Romney dearly.

wellendowed1911's Avatar
I've said for years that Romney just can't win. He just doesn't have "it." And, in his case, I don't even know what "it" is. He just doesn't have it. That's all.

I agree. Stupid move. Stupid, stupid move. Originally Posted by JDNorthface
I agree I am still in disbelief- I think this was perhaps bigger than any gaffe that Perry or Cain had made- to so arrogantly come out on national tv and offer a huge 10,000 wager as if it was pocket change when we are in a financial crisis is so out of touch with Americans- there's no way Romney can squirmish out of this one- even if he said it was for charity- the arrogance to even make the suggestion will haunt Romney- this is truly Romney's big ooops moment.

Scroll down to see who paid for that!

(Just saw it a few minutes ago linked from the following story.)

this is truly Romney's big oops moment. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
I suspect you are correct.

I remember years back when President Bush Sr made the mistake of briefly glancing at his watch towards the end of his debate. That gaffe was talked about for weeks!...
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Years. Originally Posted by JDNorthface
budman33's Avatar
Romney can make and lose that bet 19,000 times to equal his net worth.

most Americans can't say the same. Karl Rove must be beside himself and considering to run for president himself with the buffoons that are left. is it too late for the GILF to run?

go Sarah GO
waverunner234's Avatar
I bet 10K Mit Romney will not be our next president.
Any takers?
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I wonder if the handlers for these candidates drum into their heads, the phenomenon of the magnification effect that every little move they make will have when viewed by millions of viewers.

In a way, it doesn't seem fair, but that is how the game works.

All of us have glanced at our watches at inopportune time and made casual bets with friends without such suffering such heavy consequences.

However, when you have a high position, even a sideways glance of disapproval can totally ruin the day or even the career of one of your subordinates.

Years. Originally Posted by JDNorthface