Steppinwolf meets the 21st Century

A Steppinwolf's Magic Carpet Ride meets the 21st Century...

[ame=" lated"]YouTube- Fatboy Slim - Magic Carpet Ride (Audiosurf) Stealth+ironmode[/ame]

A good remix that was tastefully done that did not butcher the original track.

enjoy >
Lana Warren's Avatar
That was sooooo cool!
  • T-Can
  • 02-06-2010, 08:38 AM
I liked Phillip Steir's version from the Go movie soundtack(1999)
The link: http://www.y**
(Remove the asterisks and replace with ou)

It's a lot like Fatboy Slim's but does not overuse the echo BS in it.

I thought Go is a pretty good movie.
Thats messed up they sound the same... Go was a pretty good movie.
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
it's Steppenwolf... not Steppinwolf. eye thot yew geeks wuz gud spellars.

  • T-Can
  • 02-07-2010, 02:19 AM
Same damn thing ddppddmm