Hot Girls Who Like Other Hot Girls

Fast Gunn's Avatar
It has become evident to me over the last few years that there are a lot of hot young girls who like other hot young girls.

The percentage of the girls who are into other girls varies by state and local custom, but what percent of girls would you say that are into other hot young girls in your area of the world?

If you don't know then just say so, but if you have something to base your estimate then please let us know.
Willen's Avatar
Are we talking baout the hobby world only, or the civilian world?
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I think that the percentage is pretty much in the civilian world what it is in the hobby.

Perhaps, the hobby has a higher percentage.

Let's agree to make the question general.

What's the percentage In General, In and out of the hobby.
Well I have been around, for a while.
SO for what I gathered, was about 40-60%, like others girls.
For several different reasons. However, that what I, came up with.
The percentage of the girls who are into other girls varies by state and local custom Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Well, this is a pretty prejudicial/stereotypical statement. What data do you have to prove this statement? Sexual trends by state and locality...I don't know. Maybe by age, but even then, I'm not so sure.

In the hobby, it's complicated by cash. I think the increase in $$$ for doubles may increase the numbers of ladies that play with other ladies. Add into the mix that some ladies are avowed lesbians, while others are true bisexuals, the guess (because that's all this is) is really skewed.

Outside the hobby, getting a true reading is also complicated by peer pressure, occupational pressure (don't ask, don't tell), and just plain ladies who don't want to come out of the closet.

Coming up with a true number, I think, is just a shot in the dark.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Personally, I think the overall number is probably lower than 20% and more likely less than 15%. Pop culture (Hollywood, M-TV, etc) would like you to believe it is rampant. They do this for several reasons. First, hot girl on girl turns guys on, so in order to get a guy's attention, they use girl on girl in a titillating way. Another reason is that pop culture is much more accommodating of alternative lifestyles, so they are more apt to use it in a "sensationalizing" way. This shows a bias that is prevalent on both coasts yet misses the much larger reality that the vast majority of girls are not truly bi or into other hot girls. I will say this. I do think younger girls (i.e. high school/early college age) are more likely to experiment due to the heavy influence of pop culture but when it comes to the bottom line, they really aren't bi or into girls. It is just a stage in their life and again it is a vastly smaller number than most would think.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Actually, there really are dye-in-the-wool bi-sexual girls out there.

I have seen girls actually salivate when they recounted certain episodes in their lives with other girls.

They were not faking it! They really love other girls!

And I think the percentage is climbing fairly steadily.

I'd hazard to say that about 65 - 80% of young girls today are bisexual.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Actually, there really are dye-in-the-wool bi-sexual girls out there.

I have seen girls actually salivate when they recounted certain episodes in their lives with other girls.

They were not faking it! They really love other girls!

And I think the percentage is climbing fairly steadily.

I'd hazard to say that about 65 - 80% of young girls today are bisexual.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
I completely disagree with the 65-80% assertion. The pop-culture media would have you believe every young girl is bi-sexual thus creating the perception, but in this case, perception is not reality. As I stated before, the number is much lower and likely below 20%. By that I mean, girls who will admit to being truly bi-sexual or committed lesbians. I blame a lot of this titillation on Joe Francis and his Girls Gone Wild antics. All those "hot girl on girl" scenes are contrived. The girls are either stoned, drunk, or paid to perform in that manner. Most are probably ashamed and would never consider themselves truly into the bi scene. But then again, it is what it is-- a perception.
If 15-20% was the stats...
I would probably, never have knew, about the world.
I still believe, it's like 40-60%.
I feel as though I have had enough expierence to guess 50% is just about right....this includes the ones in the closet and the ones that just haven't realized it yet!
Just like any guess, it could be wrong!
Count me in! I'm bisexual with a very hot girlfriend who is also my mentor/doubles partner. Kisses Claudia
I would say half and half. So 40% to 60%. And I am in the percentage.
  • MrGiz
  • 03-15-2010, 09:33 AM
I would have guessed, roughly 1/3..... but the 30% range wasn't listed.

The percentage is higher within the hobby.... but that's only due to their entire sexuality being more expressive in every way.

Giz's $.02
  • npita
  • 03-15-2010, 12:00 PM
From talking to civilians on dating sites, I'd guess 20%-30% will probably play with other women in a threesome (fewer if left to do it one-on-one without at guy pushing for it). I'm certain that a larger percentage of providers will do FFM threesomes, since I know several who do them as providers, but wouldn't do it their personal lives.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Thanks for all your input, folks.

I know that a precise number is difficult to determine, but I just wanted to ball park the percentage, number one.

Number two, I wanted to high-light the issue.

I did not know that there were that many women who were into women.

I think it's at least 60% and maybe as high as 80% in some areas.