GMail, Gents, and Jennifer (Discretion v. Privacy)

elpocitopolloloco's Avatar
Some of you may or may not know that Google has been called on the carpet lately for their invasion of your privacy. Basically, if you have a GMail account, Google is reading and analyzing your mail. If you access said account from a phone with a GPS, Google knows when and where you did that too. They are now moving into voice mail that transcribes your messages into text so that they can read that as well.

In a hobby that is built on being discreet and non-disclosure, how do you feel about Google reading your most intimate of communiques?

I know some folks don't have a Gmail account...but I'm sure you may have corresponded with someone who does.

The Bill of Rights only protects us from the government invading our privacy...but in most cases, we gave corporations the right to snoop through laundry hampers.

Are you cool with a corporation knowing so much about your "hobbies" and habits?

LC_Licker's Avatar
Gee I'm really thinking of changing my email account now.... Any suggestions ??
Cpalmson's Avatar
Gee I'm really thinking of changing my email account now.... Any suggestions ?? Originally Posted by Jb6922
It isn't just Google. It is probably all e-mail providers. Google is just the most aggressive because they sell the info for marketing purposes. Besides as long as the Patriot Act is in effect, it doesn't matter because Big Brother is watching.
LC_Licker's Avatar
That just makes life great knowing BIG BROTHER is watching!!!
I feel like, it's real F*cked Up!
i think that all info passed over the internet is being monitored and recorded in some form or fashion. it's just a matter of what can legally be used against you in court.
*shaking my head *

Did I spell (sp?) that right?

pyramider's Avatar
Dazzle them with gibberish. Let their web crawlers choke on that.
mikahranae's Avatar
Facebook does as well. Watch this video!
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
*shaking my head *

Did I spell (sp?) that right?

Originally Posted by cpi3000
Yes, but you forgot to LOL!

your Sig lines are very funny some days
i guess no matter how careful one might want to be or think they are, someone, somewhere, you actions are not just being recorded by the Almighty. Goes back to "if you cannot take the heat, get out of the kitchen." Do what you do but know your risks and the consequences thereof.
elpocitopolloloco's Avatar
Here's a link for you to understand more about this thread.

I found this after watching the link Mikah posted on facebook. (YouTube Video)

PS. is a great site for a URL referrer, so that you don't have to have the traffic coming from directly from the link on ECCIE. There are others