PowerPoint Help - Animations

Suite270's Avatar
Thought I would post in the National section to cover more ground. I have a yearly PowerPoint presentation to give, and the group is 500 or so people mostly male. The presentations are high-tech, and with new (future) items that are taking to reality (e.g. no longer a science project, and has been tested and functional).

Okay.. To make my presentation stand out above the rest, I was looking for a program that had animated characters doing things. As example, I want a "Betty type" (large boobs, PG-13 type animation) carrying out the new items I am presenting, and placing them on the slide. I read an article a few years ago (PC Mag) that had this type of program - Sexy animated characters for PPT. I can't find anything, so..... Help?

There are a lot of professional editors, photographers, etc on the board, and if someone can point me in the right direction of "cool PPT animations", I would appreciate it!

Thanks in advance ECCIE ;-)
With the state of technology, you might consider making a DVD. Rent the big-boobed lady, and film it digitally. Lots of movie editors around to make it work.

BTW, it's the kind of thing Plaintiffs' lawyers do when they make "A Day in the Life" movie for juries.
BangOver's Avatar

Try out this site and search on "sexy". There might be something you can use.


Suite270's Avatar
Thanks Guys.. Too late to 'rent the big boobed lady', although I may do it for my own character building <ha>.

I have located a few programs that "I think" will work, but ya' never know until you buy and/or try.

A simple www in the front and a dot com in the back will get you to these programs websites (if someone else is also looking):


Will be playing this weekend, and thanks for the Animation factory link
Iaintliein's Avatar
Will gif format play in power point? You can put together gif animations in photoshop but I've never tried to put one into a power point before. You might try downloading a gif from the Internet to try in power point before spending considerable time making gif's via layer, liquefy, layer liquefy etc. in PS.
