Replacement NFL Refs

With the regular refs locked out do to contract expiring and the league and the refs not agreeing. We have replacement refs

I want to know your thoughts and opinions.

How do you feel about the first ever NFL Female Ref?
The DarkSide's Avatar
With the regular refs locked out do to contract expiring and the league and the refs not agreeing. We have replacement refs

I want to know your thoughts and opinions.

How do you feel about the first ever NFL Female Ref? Originally Posted by Oenghus
If she was hot, I am looking forward going under the hood with her!
Thequeen's Avatar
I would love to be a ref!!! However I would prob throw alot more flags during the raiders games.. It would be hard to be fair....
Let's remember one thing - these replacement refs are all ROOKIES. The benefit of being a new NFL referee coming into the league is that they have experienced referees to watch out for them and to critique them. Do we expect a rookie (except Andrew Luck or RGIII) to perform flawlessly right out of the box? They're going to make mistakes, they're going to be confused, they're going to blow calls. The replay officials are still experienced and could be used like the college replay officials - buzz the head official when a call is blown rather than wait for the coach to challenge. I just hope no player is injured seriously because of the lack of experience of these officials.
Thequeen's Avatar
Actually some of the replacement refs are ones who have been retired for years, some college, CFL, former NfL Europe refs, and one of the them is a Lingerie Football ref. Not all are rookies and while they might not have been in the game over the past few years they still know what needs to be done. There will be some mistakes yes but it's just like any other job, They need to do it right. There have been some pretty bad calls and screw ups But then again even the ones who do it every year every game do it as well.