The Fire - a Dream?

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I sat by a fire alone to night,
I sat by a fire burning oh so bright.
I sat by that flame all alone,
I sat here, but all alone.

The flames they danced like a woman,
With fire and beauty springing round,
With twists and turns and ups and downs.

Like a woman, like love. The flame drew me in.
Like a woman, like love, calling me to sin.
I sat by that flame all alone,
I sat here but all alone.

I long to lay with a woman here,
To touch her heart before those flames,
To hear her call out loving names.

The burning flame sheds light and fame,
To my loves skin and golden frame,
I sat by that flame all alone,
I sat here, but all alone.

To draw her close in the flames delight,
I long to touch her hair, her breast, her thigh,
I love to touch and draw her neigh.

The fire it dies and goes to fume,
It leaves a cold dark room,
I sat by that flame all alone,
I sat here, but all alone.

The fire it cleans, it cuts a way the old.
The fire surrounds a body and one more,
like landing on a brand new shore.

I long to feel her touch me there,
As those flame hold us away from care,
I sat by that flame all alone,
I sat here, but all alone.

The heat touches us both,
The fire shows her body’s grace,
Her love shows through in its full embrace.

The bright red coals emit such heat,
But the passion is greater, when we meet,
I sat by that flame all alone,
I sat here, but all alone.

Life is it like a fire?
Does it take our fuel
and leave us the fool?

The embers glow and heat the night,
They make us feel it will be alright.
I sat by that flame all alone,
I sat here, but all alone.

The fire licks up and takes away
But the embers warm our skin
And draw us in.

So as the flame, before me die,
Will all end well or will my soul cry?
I sat by that flame all alone,
I sat here, but all alone.

I know the force of flame and fuel,
Where is my silver, were is my gold?
What and who does my future hold?

I know I love, I know I need
I know for one I would bleed,
I sat by that flame all alone,
I sat here, but all alone.