Help a girl out!

Hello my sweets! I was thinking of maybe visiting some time next week and I am looking for a few suggestions on where to stay. All advice is welcome and much appreciated. So thanks in advance! Hope to see you soon!
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
Stay away from any of the hotels off I20 exit 13 (Monkhouse). There tends to be a lot of "escort" traffic there and hence LE.

Check your PMs for further information.

MuffinMan's Avatar
Hola, Chica....hope your trip here is a good one! If I weren't laid up with a broken leg I'd be fighting for a spot on your dance card!
Be safe,
GMTA's Avatar
  • GMTA
  • 02-05-2017, 12:01 AM
I done told ya muffin man we both getting too old for all that trick fucking . Ya broke ya leg & I pulled my back
destinydevine's Avatar
He is right definitely stay off Monkhouse. If you have any other questions P.M. me.
And as always
Have Fun, Be Safe XoXo Destiny XoXo