Makeup is your friend girls.

Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Playboy Playmate Tanya Beyer

18 years apart to be true.
Hisss! (attach a warm smile at the end).

I would suggest that using makeup frequently throughout ones youth, actually ages the skin, making us look older, faster. A theory, that isn't proved and can be argued, but one I hold onto. Throw in some tanning and a vice or two (drinking, smoking, parties) and the 40's aren't looking so pretty.

I have always hated being with a man who made me feel I had to be painted up in order to be attractive. I love makeup, I adore playing dress up, but I also like to believe I'm attractive just as I am.
atlcomedy's Avatar
I saw that too. I forget what she's been charged with. I'll suggest the 18 years (of I'm guessing some hard living) has a lot to do with it.
  • Paven
  • 04-17-2010, 11:49 AM
It looks like she never took care of her skin which is unfortunate.
Moisturize people! That goes for men too!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-17-2010, 01:04 PM
I went to bed with the former

and woke up with the latter!

Seriously, beer goggles suck. Working in the arts, I've traveled on the road with gypsy men and have seen some seriously disappointed mornings for them lol
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
This post, overall, is mean. Life is hard on women in all ways. It's a bitch growing old. But she doesn't look all that bad. Poor picture and just a little rough around the edges.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-17-2010, 01:18 PM
This post, overall, is mean. Life is hard on women in all ways. It's a bitch growing old. But she doesn't look all that bad. Poor picture and just a little rough around the edges.

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Life is hard on everyone, not just you women folk!

I agree though she don't look half bad in my book, I love the redheads!
atlcomedy's Avatar
This post, overall, is mean. Life is hard on women in all ways. It's a bitch growing old. But she doesn't look all that bad. Poor picture and just a little rough around the edges.

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
The thread may not have been the kindest, but that was sorta the point. Nobody takes a good mug shot or looks good after spending the night in lockup awaiting arraignment.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
The second pic is a guy. Well, looks like it.
And the first pic is so heavily airbrushed who knows.

Interestingly enough. This is the second time today I've been told I was mean.
So I wil not post again today and I shall endeavor to not be mean again.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
The second pic is a guy. Well, looks like it.
And the first pic is so heavily airbrushed who knows.

Interestingly enough. This is the second time today I've been told I was mean.
So I wil not post again today and I shall endeavor to not be mean again. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
Oh good grief. Do you think that your name sake would give a rat's butt if someone said that he was mean? Come out and play, Marcus!

TexTushHog's Avatar
Looks like 1) too much sun; and 2) hard living. Both are dangerous in more ways than one to both men and women. I restrict myself to the latter and even that in moderation.
Yes, she's had too much sun, but also looks dehydrated. Her hair is brittle and looks dry.

She could rejuvenate by drinking lots and lots of water, plus having some fat in her diet which plumps up the skin~ have strawberries and cream or dip bread in olive oil. Then she should just slather on a very rich moisturizer onto her face, hands, feet, elbows (maybe everywhere!) and wear it all day and night.

Putting some mayonaise on her hair would help somewhat, but mainly her hair will recover from the inside out so it will have to grow out the better part.

A chemical peel or microdermabrasion would remove all of the top layer of skin revealing softer lighter skin beneath.

(She's only 38!)
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Oh good grief. Do you think that your name sake would give a rat's butt if someone said that he was mean? Come out and play, Marcus!

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
He was a philosopher of stoicism. However, I like passion.