
Angel Eyes Lacey's Avatar
Can someone please tell me how to get reviews on my showcase!
I have several recent reviews floating around and I have pm'd a couple "MODS" to help place these reviews on my profile and yet no action has been taken. Who do I need to message to get this done.
Everyone here knows how important reviews are, esp recent ones to the gents. So please any advice would be great.
Moderators don't add reviews to showcases. We never have done such task. Providers choose to add reviews to their showcases. By looking at your showcase, you already know how to do that since you have five reviews linked on your showcase.

Moderators add reviews to your review tab/profile. The best thing to do is simply post a short request with working links to the reviews.
Angel Eyes Lacey's Avatar
You can only add 5 to the showcase but where there is a tab that's specifically for"reviews" no a provider cannot "choose" to put them there or i'd already have the reviews up. I'm asking how I get the ones that are not,to show up with my other reviews. Not where there is only 5,but where the rest of the reviews are under the tab. Someone has to do bc everyone a gent writes a review it'll pop up on my show case(in most cases).
Angel Eyes Lacey's Avatar
And when I have sent the request to the mods I sent each and every review I was asking about.with a working link