Why is Eccie not popular here in San DIego?

I travel the country for my work. Every other part of the country ECCIE is the go to site for valuable information. It is dead her in San Diego? Any one have a reason why?
TER is the go to here and it sucks. There is so much more to read and do at eccie but no one takes advantage of it?


That's all.
I do not get it either...
I am still trying to get a grasp on the hobby culture in SD. For me this site is the end all be all for safe play. Far more user/provider friendly in comparison to TER. Like being able to connect with the gents and the local VP's as well. In NY, as you know yerassman ... This site is the hub of the hobby and a great platform to connect with other like minded individuals. Maybe it will take off here at some point??
I have been in SD off and on for 4-5 years and it hasn't changed? Eccie is so much better, ter really sucks. The old go to here used to be myredbook, they got shut down about 4-5 years ago for tax stuff or something. I really don't get it?
Even the providers aren't interested in becoming verified? SMH again LOL hope all is well with you xoox
Everybody is on "hplex". There's a lot of free content there, but it's a pain(in my opinion)having to pay for certain things. I only use it when I'm in the area for info. I share my findings over here though cause just like you I find myself city hopping from time to time.
Broad, yea hplex seems overly confusing to navigate? but allot of the girls use it.
It appears that ECCIE is most popular elsewhere and is so user-friendly.
Humaniplex is like the BP of San Diego/OC.
I'm not on there, however when I first started I was, and there were nothing but low-ballers, and weird requests, and the site is also too "social media-style" for me.
Humanplex... Just the name is ... Off putting.