New to the forum, but I did try a search with negative results. Has anybody heard reviews or visited Yasmin, as seen in this ad:
I have never visited with her. However, she did have reviews posted on ASPD. From what I can tell, she is legit, but I know nothing about her skillz. Originally Posted by Mac92451The reviews I remember were less-than-stellar. Not a GFE (and to her credit, she was very upfront about that on the home page of her Yahoo group). Don't take this as gospel, since I'm about 37 minutes away from full blown Alzheimer's, but I recall basically her reviews said everything covered, no DATY and no kissing. I'm also remembering that the CBJ isn't anything to write home about, though it's probably marginally better than a date with Rosie Palms.
Very thorough and informative. Seems like I may be crossing one of my list. Thanks. Originally Posted by AR FFShe has been on and off the boards for too long not to have generated some good reviews if she had it in her. The half hour menu option should tell you something.My best guess is the hour is thirty minutes long too. There was a girl in Malvern awhile back I saw a couple times for 100$,and got a bargain.
I am not sure if I get it right or not, experienced hobbyist please correct me!I realize this isn't ASPD, and ASPD rules don't necessarily apply, but back there it was common to post ISOs and requests for information either in Coed Discussion or in "the Locker Room" (ASPD's "Man's Lounge"). It all depended on whether the guy making the request wanted to keep it "secret", or if he didn't mind if the whole world saw his request.
I think this kind of topic should be discussed in the "Man's Lounge" Which is private to men only. It seems like to me not many of us are using this forum . I hardly see any thread, reply or post in "Man's Lounge" section. I think we should utilize it more often, like information on providers and discussion of the "Rest of the Story" . This just IMHO. Originally Posted by andy1628
It'll be nice eventually to get PA and see what y'all are talking about in The Cool Kid's Room.Originally Posted by bluffcityguy
Like on ASPD, there's not much going on there BCG. And I'll bet when things do happen there, it will leak like a sieve just like on ASPD. The more things change the more they stay the same . . . Originally Posted by arklookn4lovnI'd almost be disappointed if it weren't the same.
And back on topic --- there was more than one Yasmin posted about on the aspd. Unless I'm confused and the YasminDD which was in the Malvern area and this Yasmin are one in the same. Originally Posted by arklookn4lovnI don't recall there being more than one, and I'm pretty sure these are one and the same; some of the things she posted in her Yahoo group led me to believe that. I could be wrong, though.
Like on ASPD, there's not much going on there BCG. And I'll bet when things do happen there, it will leak like a sieve just like on ASPD. The more things change the more they stay the same . . .I remember a YasminYas and a YasminDD.I am certain these are the same I had her on my radar for awhile.The new ad is an older and thinner version.
And back on topic --- there was more than one Yasmin posted about on the aspd. Unless I'm confused and the YasminDD which was in the Malvern area and this Yasmin are one in the same. Originally Posted by arklookn4lovn
I remember a YasminYas and a YasminDD.I am certain these are the same I had her on my radar for awhile.The new ad is an older and thinner version. Originally Posted by Lookin4Thanks, Lookin. She made her first appearance during my hobby vacation and neither version made my radar, but I did have the recollection of the name. Wish we had archived more of the ASPD stuff for research purposes.