Splenda Daddy......

beautifulbridgetteinc's Avatar
Here's one for urbandictionary.com

Splenda Daddy (n)- a gentleman who would like to be a sugar daddy but lacks the funds to do so. Typically they provide other favors (rides, yardwork, handyman/mechanic etc) to warrant females affections.

Splenda Daddy a zero calorie Sugar Daddy substitute
Gotyour6's Avatar
Double post?

That has been around for a long time and the def was normally someone that wanted to be but was flat broke and didn't have the means to do so.

Has the taste for champagne but the wallet for beer.

Like a sugar baby that thinks she is worth 1000 plus a week but is over weight, not a 10 etc is a girl with GPS. (Golden pussy syndrome)
olfart's Avatar
I guess I'm a Stevia Daddy, I do everything a Splenda daddy does, but I'm not mowing her Yard!!
It's too fucking hot for that!