1.Some of the information leading to Bin-Ladin was first generated AT Guantanamo by water--boarding.
2. some of the information was given up after water boarding . . .the terrorist in question didn't want to go through it again.
4.We could not develop the information that led us to Bin-Ladin under the current procedures and policy that constrain our military and intelligence operatoes.
Originally Posted by ICU 812
Why not use it on our own citizens? Afterall , it works so well.
Your post is so full of caca it is hardly worth responding to.
They waterboarded , the guy lied about the importance of OBL courrier and they thought that it must be important because
he lied.
Had he told the truth about the courrier then you would have said it worked but it is hard to say it worked when after being waterboarded ,
he lied.
You Bush/Cheney lovers want it both ways.
Doove is correct, you guys are the fuc'n spin masters bar none.
Giving credit to waterboarding in this instance is like giving credit to your great great grandfather for anything good that has happened in your life. Sure without him, you wouldn't be here but do you really think he had anything to do with anything.
Put another way...were some long lost relative to enter your life and claim that the success you had in your life was due to him would your share all your wealth with them. Would you?
Put another way, everything everone has ever done in the past has shaped who you are....how come you pick and choose just who gets credit?
I’ve never been water boarded obviously, but from what I understand it is extremely effective psychologically and produces accurate results with no lasting affects. Even Obama isn’t referring to it as torture anymore. But I do believe, once the information is gleaned, it needs to be stopped immediately. Period.
Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Accurate results?
Why not use it on our own citizens, if it works so well?
Shocking people nuts does not leave a lasting mark....should we hook people up to jumper cables when we want info?
If so, watch what you wish for, the Dems are in power and Cheney should go first. in a war crime trial.
If I whiskey-boarded you, I doubt you'd mind.......
Originally Posted by Marshall
Why, I hardly ever drink. You been getting some bad intel.